It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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Are you telling me that with about 30 days left on his contract he isnt at least considering what is going to happen with his contract (whether he renews or not?) - of course he is regardless of Argentina.....what happens with who he plays with (either Barca or us) has a much bigger effect on his life than playing for Argentina....dont believe the rhetoric......Messi will be fully focussed on what he is going to do next club wise over the next month...he has to be

There’s no way the present narrative is true... Messi is sat back waiting for Barca to sort their finances out and make him an offer later in the summer.
Chelsea this Chelsea that ....... the Premier League is harder to win than some crap competition UEFA wanted us banned from ...... anyone can beat anyone in the cup ...look what happens when we play Wigan ..... Chelsea spouting they are better than us is pure bullshit .....they won 1 less trophy than City and finished 19 points behind us in the league ....fuck the rent boy twats
That's Chelsea fans wumming.You can't seriously be winded up by that. Chelsea has never look like building anything close to the consistency City has built. I wouldn't be surprise if they fell off again next year. That's why they have had no extended period of domination, that also goes to the other Big 6, Leicester, Everton etc.
I share your view, Marvin.

Grealish would reinvent our midfield.

With Kane also up top, it would maintain the small advantage we do have on the rest.

I do wonder if people see Grealish's personality, image, playing for a low profile club, as to why they don't see what a magnificent player he is.

Goodness knows how good he can be in three years time.
If we get greelish and kane we would have two more leaders in the team.. At the moment its just ferna and diass i think. even de bruyne is not that much captain material we expect.
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