when i boarded the tram today,
all i heard was this enormous shout...
i did that thing when you momentarily close your eyes,
quickly gather your thoughts,
open them and pretend to smile,
then walked towards her, ready for the onslaught.
she was sat in the middle of those 3 sideways seats,
the ones opposite the wheelchair/pram bit.
people sat either side of her...
you used to be good-looking, calum.
he's got dreadlocks under that hat, you know.
i thought you'd have been a business man with 2 kids.
i got off immediately at the next stop.
it wasn't where i was going to but i was happy to wait for the next one.
i think i fucked up.
i was uncomfortable,
i was just trying to be nice even though i didn't want to be,
the departing conversation went like this...
me (fuck knows why): grow your hair, it would suit you better.
her: oh thank you calum, thank you, i will.