Jack Grealish

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If we get grealish for 100m and united get sancho for 80m who get the better value for money?
If we get grealish for 100m and united get sancho for 80m who get the better value for money?
Well we would get 12M of the sancho money and any futher payments rags would need to make so I would say us as the 20M difference is not really that
When has Bernie actually said he wants to leave
Don’t believe he’s said anything publicly. Too much of a professional for that.
Just lots of noise from people claiming to be close saying he is unhappy, particularly after the Mendy tweet. Nobody is denying it and he hasn’t been the same player since. There have also been reports he isn’t happy with the weather and didn’t expect Pep to stay this long (the reason he signed was Pep). Apparently he loves the club, team mates and the fans, but he’d like to pick us up and move us to Portugal.
Also he had a ten minute slot on City TV the other day. In his highlights City only got one mention, the rest of his highlights coming from Benfica.

You can pick holes in all of the above individually but together I think it’s compelling. Not that I want it to be as I love the guy. But if he’s not happy, and let’s be honest his form is patchy at best which bares out the argument he feels like he’s playing in front of a public who thinks he’s racist.

I don’t want him to go but I think it might be best for both parties.
Aston Villa going about there business with another couple of signings on the horizon
Also decent bid for Dwight McNeil & Ward Prowse won't cost anything less than 80m wonder where that cash is coming from??
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