Javi Garcia (continued)

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FantasyIreland said:
NQCitizen said:
FantasyIreland said:
He never was a 'scapegoat' - that implies he was being blamed when it wasn't his fault......

The scapegoat tag is more relevant where Demichelis is concerned.

He genuinely all along has done nothing wrong all along imo.

The only real difference to his play now is he sacrificing positioning more often to look for the tackle - just a bit more proactive.

I have accepted he is a better player than I thought and is now contributing well,however,up until a few weeks back,to suggest he wasn't anything but a liability is absolute tosh.

And we still need an upgrade/replacement to provide us with the extra flexibility.

You have really got to laugh at opinions like these. 'Until a few weeks ago to suggest he wasn't anything other than a liability is absolute tosh'. As someone who has always rated Garcia highly ( and by the way was superb again when he came on on Sunday ) it is funny to see the development of this thread. 12 months ago I was defending him and thought he never did anything wrong and in fact did an awful lot right every time he played, e.g. v Madrid, Chelsea, Stoke, Arsenal,etc, when the only response from the Garcia haters was that he was 'shit' in their best English ! Now we are at the point where those that kept insisting he was 'shit' are saying that he's 'done OK for the last few weeks' but was 'shit' before that, period. As I have said all along, name any game where he was either 'shit' or made a mistake that cost us the match or even a goal ? The guy is a quality footballer and is ideal as part of a very talented squad to come in and do a job brilliantly, which he almost always does, whenever required, either for the whole or part of the game. It would have been interesting to see how much stick the lad would have got had he been dispossessed of the ball in the same way that Kompany ( Captain Fantastic ) was on Sunday for the Sunderland goal. This web site would have been in meltdown ! Having said all that, it was nice to hear most blues appreciate what he did at Wembley.
Pete,the opposition has ben waltzing past him for fun for the majority of his City career,he's looked slow,lost and out of his depth on many occasion as his grasps at shirts and even thin air proved.
As I have previously mentioned,he even made running look like it was a difficult skill.....

Talking of laughable.....the comparison with a mistake by Kompany is very much that......as,in his case,they are very much the exception as he's,in 99% of his games, immense.

Hopefully Garcia,for the remainder of the season,can keep up his recent efforts and prove an effective option when the situation requires it.I'm impressed with his attitude.
FantasyIreland said:
Pete,the opposition has ben waltzing past him for fun for the majority of his City career,he's looked slow,lost and out of his depth on many occasion as his grasps at shirts and even thin air proved.
As I have previously mentioned,he even made running look like it was a difficult skill.....

Talking of laughable.....the comparison with a mistake by Kompany is very much that......as,in his case,they are very much the exception as he's,in 99% of his games, immense.

Hopefully Garcia,for the remainder of the season,can keep up his recent efforts and prove an effective option when the situation requires it.I'm impressed with his attitude.

Garcia is a decent enough player, the only issue is that "decent enough" isn't really where City need to be when it comes to their players. He's the main backup to Yaya and Fernandinho and, with injuries, suspensions and resting players, he'll get a decent number of games in any given season (he's made 31 appearance this season, starts and substitute). Defensively he's fine, a little slower than I'd like, but not a liability. It's when it comes to the offensive, and creative, sides of the game where he falls short. His passing is laboured at times, rarely incisive, and too often misplaced, and aside from the odd set piece, he's no threat to the opposition. I think we can do better, and given our very public pursuit of Fernando, it would seem Pellegrini is of the same opinion.
I will hold my hands up as say I was one who didn't rate him as much as I didn't kolorov but the last couple months a lot of blues have eaten humble pie and fair play ESP to Garcia he could be telly important to us in the next few months.
Garcia would be fine as a 4th choice behind Toure Fernandinho and one other, he can be a good substitute to sit when we want to push Toure up, but what he can't do is play the Toure or Fernandinho role when one or both are unavailable or need a rest. If we bring in the right CM in the summer I wouldn't mind Garcia staying, having said that I don't know much about Zucculini and what type of player he is, and whether he would be in the team before Garcia.
In our side Javi should essentially be our fourth choice midfielder. Yaya, Fernandinho, someone pretty much as good as either, then Garcia. It's not even that he's bad, he just compromises the system too much in a 2 man midfield. If we started playing a 3 man midfield with him as a sole defensive mid, he would be fine, but we won't, so he isn't.

Edit: Writing that just as blueparrot posted the above.
peter.evans said:
it is funny to see the development of this thread.
The development of this thread clearly shows that Garcia was never the scapegoat that some people claimed. He is now bothering to close people down with some urgency and is tackling with a bit of bite rather than just letting people go past him before half heartedly trying to pull them back by their shirt and subsequently people have almost instantly changed their opinion of him and given him absolute credit for his performances. So people were never just criticising him simply for being Garcia but because they genuinely didn't rate his efforts. So there is no fickleness going on here as is being implied, just criticism of a player who was doing not a great deal for months (or holding position as NQ Citizen describes it) and praise for the same player once he has started doing the job he is paid to do, satisfactorily.
SaddleworthBlueRhino said:
FantasyIreland said:
Pete,the opposition has ben waltzing past him for fun for the majority of his City career,he's looked slow,lost and out of his depth on many occasion as his grasps at shirts and even thin air proved.
As I have previously mentioned,he even made running look like it was a difficult skill.....

Talking of laughable.....the comparison with a mistake by Kompany is very much that......as,in his case,they are very much the exception as he's,in 99% of his games, immense.

Hopefully Garcia,for the remainder of the season,can keep up his recent efforts and prove an effective option when the situation requires it.I'm impressed with his attitude.


Nothing laughable about it. Kompany made a big mistake, like he did when he got sent off for a two footed tackle ( twice ), or got Milner sent off at WBA last season, or in the Charity Shield v United or Villas goal earlier in the season. The point I am making is that certain players are allowed to get away with it before others. Kompany is a fine player and a good captain. I really must be losing my memory as I am still scratching my head to remember when opposition players have been waltzing past Garcia ! Mind you, there is more chance of opposition players doing that to midfield players than central defenders. As for looking out of his depth, Garcia has not looked out of his depth against anyone, certainly not Real Madrid, Chelsea, Arsenal and all these other crap sides !
peter.evans said:
SaddleworthBlueRhino said:
FantasyIreland said:
Pete,the opposition has ben waltzing past him for fun for the majority of his City career,he's looked slow,lost and out of his depth on many occasion as his grasps at shirts and even thin air proved.
As I have previously mentioned,he even made running look like it was a difficult skill.....

Talking of laughable.....the comparison with a mistake by Kompany is very much that......as,in his case,they are very much the exception as he's,in 99% of his games, immense.

Hopefully Garcia,for the remainder of the season,can keep up his recent efforts and prove an effective option when the situation requires it.I'm impressed with his attitude.


Nothing laughable about it. Kompany made a big mistake, like he did when he got sent off for a two footed tackle ( twice ), or got Milner sent off at WBA last season, or in the Charity Shield v United or Villas goal earlier in the season. The point I am making is that certain players are allowed to get away with it before others. Kompany is a fine player and a good captain. I really must be losing my memory as I am still scratching my head to remember when opposition players have been waltzing past Garcia ! Mind you, there is more chance of opposition players doing that to midfield players than central defenders. As for looking out of his depth, Garcia has not looked out of his depth against anyone, certainly not Real Madrid, Chelsea, Arsenal and all these other crap sides !

Really? You, perhaps, need an eye test.
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