Absolutely. There is nothing magic about it

The magic bullet is the one that goes through Kennedy and hits Connally right? If so, yeah, nothing magical. People think that the bullet zigzagged through the two men but that shot was straight. The seats that Connally and JFK were in give the illusion that the bullet had to move left and right to hit them both.
The idea that Oswald couldn't hit the target is just wrong. We know definitively that he did just that. The bullet that hit Kennedy and went through him and into Texas Governor Connally was definitely from Oswald. Oswald just didn't fire the shot that killed Kennedy. That is the distinction.

I wasn't questioning whether Oswald could have made the shot. It was more his outright calling Jesse Ventura's assertion rubbish.

I know Ventura is a kook, more or less. But he has received top notch weapons training so imo he has a certain amount of credibility compared to "just some guy" on Blue Moon. That is why I asked him those questions to see if he had any familiarity. Apologies for any confusion.

As for myself, I don't know what I believe anymore. Perhaps Oswald was the only gunman. Do I think he acted alone? I think the convenience of "patriotic" Jack Ruby shooting him dead raises questions in my mind.
I wasn't questioning whether Oswald could have made the shot. It was more his outright calling Jesse Ventura's assertion rubbish.

I know Ventura is a kook, more or less. But he has received top notch weapons training so imo he has a certain amount of credibility compared to "just some guy" on Blue Moon. That is why I asked him those questions to see if he had any familiarity. Apologies for any confusion.

One of the main issues that causes controvesy is the amount of shots fired and the time between the shots. The main conclusion was there was only 3 shots: the one that hit both JFK & Connelly, the head-shot & the one that missed and caused injury to a bystander near the underpass.

The spacing between the shots is based on dictabelt recording, which came from one of the police cycle riders who had left his mike on. Sound experts analysed the recording and identified noises which could constitute gunshots. These experts then tried to replicate the sound pattern by experimenting with mikes all along the route & estimating where the police cycle was . Their conclusion was that 4 shots were fired and one had to be from the grassy knoll.
But there are a couple of issues with this.
1. It wasn't 100% certain which officer had left the mike on (They based it on being McClanes being the most likely).
2. Other/later footage shows that its likely they then estimated McClanes position wrongly by some distance.

This fueled a lot of the Conspiracy theories.

Also, many assume the order of the shots was as follows:- 1. JFK/Connelly shot 2. Headshot 3. The 'Miss' that injured the bystander near the underpass.

But there is plausible theory that 'missed' shot was actually the first one taken, and was deflected off an overhead gantry towards the underpass.
Once you marry up that sequence with the sound recording you actually end with about an 11-12 secs spacing between the first & last shot.
So 3 shots in 11secs compared to 3 shots in 5-6 secs would be reasonable for an average/good marksman.
If one thing for me cries out conspiricy then its how Jack Rubenstein , a Jewish night club owner originally from Chicago , simply walked into the Dallas police station at the exact time they where transferring Oswald and shot him , for no other reason, he claimed than to save Jackie Kennedy the trauma of having to go through a trial .
The fact is Ruby was almost certainly mob connected , knew many of the high ranking officers in the Dallas police , without doubt knew Oswald and was even seen in a previous tv interview with Oswald , where i believe he corrected the interviewer over his naming of the "fair play for Cuba" organisation which Oswald had been a member , Ruby died before he went to court and often stated he feared for his life and would never live to testify in court .
For me , after reading many books on the subject , the mafia where involved with assistance from some high up right wing nut jobs ,probably both pissed off over Kennedys perceived weak stance over Cuba , the following cover up was a mixture of incompetence and the US government fearing to dig too deep for what they might find and preferring to brush it under the carpet and go with the " lone nutter " narrative
I wasn't questioning whether Oswald could have made the shot. It was more his outright calling Jesse Ventura's assertion rubbish.

I know Ventura is a kook, more or less. But he has received top notch weapons training so imo he has a certain amount of credibility compared to "just some guy" on Blue Moon. That is why I asked him those questions to see if he had any familiarity. Apologies for any confusion.

As for myself, I don't know what I believe anymore. Perhaps Oswald was the only gunman. Do I think he acted alone? I think the convenience of "patriotic" Jack Ruby shooting him dead raises questions in my mind.

Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest you were saying that. I just know that its a long running theory that Oswald couldn't have hit the target when we know in fact he did.

You are absolutely right about Ruby. His role in this absolutely points to a conspiracy. He claimed he killed LHO to spare Jackie the pain of a trial. That is horseshit. The guy ran a strip club in Dallas...he wasn't going to give up his life for Jackie's peace of mind. Clearly he was sent in to silence Oswald before he uncovered the entire plot.
One of the main issues that causes controvesy is the amount of shots fired and the time between the shots. The main conclusion was there was only 3 shots: the one that hit both JFK & Connelly, the head-shot & the one that missed and caused injury to a bystander near the underpass.

The spacing between the shots is based on dictabelt recording, which came from one of the police cycle riders who had left his mike on. Sound experts analysed the recording and identified noises which could constitute gunshots. These experts then tried to replicate the sound pattern by experimenting with mikes all along the route & estimating where the police cycle was . Their conclusion was that 4 shots were fired and one had to be from the grassy knoll.
But there are a couple of issues with this.
1. It wasn't 100% certain which officer had left the mike on (They based it on being McClanes being the most likely).
2. Other/later footage shows that its likely they then estimated McClanes position wrongly by some distance.

This fueled a lot of the Conspiracy theories.

Also, many assume the order of the shots was as follows:- 1. JFK/Connelly shot 2. Headshot 3. The 'Miss' that injured the bystander near the underpass.

But there is plausible theory that 'missed' shot was actually the first one taken, and was deflected off an overhead gantry towards the underpass.
Once you marry up that sequence with the sound recording you actually end with about an 11-12 secs spacing between the first & last shot.
So 3 shots in 11secs compared to 3 shots in 5-6 secs would be reasonable for an average/good marksman.

No question that he had the time to get off the shots. His shots simply could NOT have done that to Kennedy's head though. Not possible.
Jesse. Fucking. Tentura.
This is being taken seriously? What a shame, this must be the new generation of silliness that has perpetuated this rubbish.
Jesse. Fucking. Tentura.
This is being taken seriously? What a shame, this must be the new generation of silliness that has perpetuated this rubbish.

I've said he's a kook. I asked what your credentials were to dismiss a former special operations military man's opinion regarding shooting at a human target.

You provided no answers other than again to say "rubbish". This, to me, means you have no training and no knowledge, therefore only biased opinions which you spout as if they are facts. Perhaps your opinions are rubbish?

Ventura as an old man may not be able to make those shots or as a kook want to think he could not make them. But, he's earned the right to at least be considered and probably dismissed.
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I've said he's a kook. I asked what your credentials were to dismiss a former special operations military man's opinion regarding shooting at a human target.

You provided no answers other than again to say "rubbish". This, to me, means you have no training and no knowledge, therefore only biased opinions which you spout as if they are facts. Perhaps your opinions are rubbish?

Ventura as an old man may not be able to make those shots or as a kook want to think he could. But, he's earned the right to at least be considered and probably dismissed.
Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest you were saying that. I just know that its a long running theory that Oswald couldn't have hit the target when we know in fact he did.

You are absolutely right about Ruby. His role in this absolutely points to a conspiracy. He claimed he killed LHO to spare Jackie the pain of a trial. That is horseshit. The guy ran a strip club in Dallas...he wasn't going to give up his life for Jackie's peace of mind. Clearly he was sent in to silence Oswald before he uncovered the entire plot.
No need to say sorry. I wasn't offended.

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