Jesse. Fucking. Tentura.
This is being taken seriously? What a shame, this must be the new generation of silliness that has perpetuated this rubbish.

I am not going to wade into your debate with BDTR. I agree with you (I think you are arguing that LHO had the time and ability to shoot Kennedy) that Oswald was capable of the act. Does that mean you think he was a lone gunman?
Was Lee Harvey Oswald just a lone nutter that decided to shoot the President ? Or was he working with the CIA or FBI or the Cubans .. Or all of them ?!

Let's re-open this case Blues - Kevin Costner has inspired me and I've decided I don't like Football anymore.
Why was Richard Nixon, George Bush Snr and 5 other high profile men in Dallas the morning of the assassination and why did in 1974 George Bush Snr, brought in as head of the CIA to quash all rumours and then deny this in the late 80's/early 90's and lie when US President?
One of the main issues that causes controvesy is the amount of shots fired and the time between the shots. The main conclusion was there was only 3 shots: the one that hit both JFK & Connelly, the head-shot & the one that missed and caused injury to a bystander near the underpass.

The spacing between the shots is based on dictabelt recording, which came from one of the police cycle riders who had left his mike on. Sound experts analysed the recording and identified noises which could constitute gunshots. These experts then tried to replicate the sound pattern by experimenting with mikes all along the route & estimating where the police cycle was . Their conclusion was that 4 shots were fired and one had to be from the grassy knoll.
But there are a couple of issues with this.
1. It wasn't 100% certain which officer had left the mike on (They based it on being McClanes being the most likely).
2. Other/later footage shows that its likely they then estimated McClanes position wrongly by some distance.

This fueled a lot of the Conspiracy theories.

Also, many assume the order of the shots was as follows:- 1. JFK/Connelly shot 2. Headshot 3. The 'Miss' that injured the bystander near the underpass.

But there is plausible theory that 'missed' shot was actually the first one taken, and was deflected off an overhead gantry towards the underpass.
Once you marry up that sequence with the sound recording you actually end with about an 11-12 secs spacing between the first & last shot.
So 3 shots in 11secs compared to 3 shots in 5-6 secs would be reasonable for an average/good marksman.

From everything I've read these dicta belt recordings amounted to nothing - there was no proof that the police bike was even in Dealey Plaza but had already left for the hospital. The time frame has always been based on the frames of the Zapruder film and have assumed that the first of 3 shots hit JFK in the back as the limo was hidden behind the sign on the film. I think you've hit the nail on the head with the first missed shot theory - if that's true then Oswald had plenty of time to make the shots and time enough to reload his Crappy Italian rifle too.

In my mind there's no doubt he did it. If this hadn't have been the assassination of the worlds most powerful man it would be a closed case. There's his prints on the rifle, there's proof he owned the rifle and he brought a long package into work and the bullets found are from that weapon. There is no admissible proof that anyone else was involved - no photos, no film footage or forensic evidence pointing to another person. I think it's human nature that we find it hard to equate such a monumental event being caused by a lone immature nutter

A really good read that will persuade many people that there was no conspiracy is "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner
From everything I've read these dicta belt recordings amounted to nothing - there was no proof that the police bike was even in Dealey Plaza but had already left for the hospital.

I've listened to the dictabelt recording and couldn't pick out anything that i would say was a gun shot. Without sound enhancement equipment It's mostly static with odd bits of radio chatter.

For years i was convinced the JFK assasination was a plot or cover up, but as i started to look at the available evidence the less sure i became. Now though , i haven't been able to find anything to convince me that all the shots didn't come from the book depositry, and that the 'official' story isn't far wrong.

The only thing i'm not fully convinced off is that LHO actually pulled the trigger. His arrest (& how quick it was), his demeanour at the station and then his subsequent murder give me doubts. Also the huge amount of evidence he left seems to be 'too much' to me in some respects. It reminds me of the that Jack Reacher film in a way (like with the nickel found in the parking machine).
I've listened to the dictabelt recording and couldn't pick out anything that i would say was a gun shot. Without sound enhancement equipment It's mostly static with odd bits of radio chatter.

For years i was convinced the JFK assasination was a plot or cover up, but as i started to look at the available evidence the less sure i became. Now though , i haven't been able to find anything to convince me that all the shots didn't come from the book depositry, and that the 'official' story isn't far wrong.

The only thing i'm not fully convinced off is that LHO actually pulled the trigger. His arrest (& how quick it was), his demeanour at the station and then his subsequent murder give me doubts. Also the huge amount of evidence he left seems to be 'too much' to me in some respects. It reminds me of the that Jack Reacher film in a way (like with the nickel found in the parking machine).

What about the fact that the bullets that came out of his gun could not have done that to JFKs head. He was firing full metal jackets. They go right through a person. They were designed for that purpose for the battlefield (idea being that you can remove a combatant from the war but not necessarily kill him--admittedly a weird perspective for war but that is what it is...).

The bullet that hit him in the head exploded inside his skull leaving fragments throughout his skull. It was a bullet that is designed to inflict maximum damage. Full metal jacket bullets simply do not do that.

The bullet that Oswald fired that did hit Kennedy did exactly what you would expect from a full metal jacket. it went right through him and then went through Governor Connelly where it stayed until the removed it in the hospital. It was slightly dented but otherwise fully in tact.

The bullet that hit Kennedy's head did not come from Oswald's rifle. Full Stop.

Ironically, if he was using the weapon that did fire the kill shot, his shot that did hit JFK in the neck almost certainly would have killed him.
From everything I've read these dicta belt recordings amounted to nothing - there was no proof that the police bike was even in Dealey Plaza but had already left for the hospital. The time frame has always been based on the frames of the Zapruder film and have assumed that the first of 3 shots hit JFK in the back as the limo was hidden behind the sign on the film. I think you've hit the nail on the head with the first missed shot theory - if that's true then Oswald had plenty of time to make the shots and time enough to reload his Crappy Italian rifle too.

In my mind there's no doubt he did it. If this hadn't have been the assassination of the worlds most powerful man it would be a closed case. There's his prints on the rifle, there's proof he owned the rifle and he brought a long package into work and the bullets found are from that weapon. There is no admissible proof that anyone else was involved - no photos, no film footage or forensic evidence pointing to another person. I think it's human nature that we find it hard to equate such a monumental event being caused by a lone immature nutter

A really good read that will persuade many people that there was no conspiracy is "Case Closed" by Gerald Posner

I will buy your argument if you can explain the full metal jacket problem.

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