
Without doubt the entire factual authority on this subject. I implore everyone to read it, but it takes a good fortnight such is the detail. The rest, especially the above fictional rubbish, is embarrassing in comparison to this 20yr researched and proven account of facts
He wrote a good (and very detailed) account of Manson murders too. I believe he was on the prosecution team?
It'd be more interesting if it was true. It's just another JFK assassination myth, like Oswald being a lone gunman. :)

He wasnt at the shooting, but he was at the press conference a few days before when the police produced LHO to the media. He blagged his way in saying he was from the Liverpool Echo
CIA operation that was organized by LBJ.

Kill shot came from the Secret Service agent carrying the equivalent of an AR-15 in the car immediately behind. When Oswald failed to kill him, the agent took the shot.

It is impossible that bullets from Oswald's rifle killed Kennedy. His head was full of bullet fragments. Oswald was firing full metal jackets.

The famous CIA operative E Howard Hunt was in Dallas that day (according to his son and photo evidence). He claims he was in DC.

It is illegal to remove a corpse from Texas without an autopsy. LBJ insisted that no autopsy take place and that the body fly back with him.

After the autopsy in Maryland, JFK's brain was lost.
I'm curious, have you ever fired a gun? Have you shot a rifle? Have you fired it at a moving target, a target that was a living human?

These questions aren't for the purpose of taking the piss. They are legitimate and help me understand your authority on saying a former U.S. Navy SEAL unable to replicate the shot is "Rubbish." And also whether you are an expert on Oswald's combat shooting ability..

The idea that Oswald couldn't hit the target is just wrong. We know definitively that he did just that. The bullet that hit Kennedy and went through him and into Texas Governor Connally was definitely from Oswald. Oswald just didn't fire the shot that killed Kennedy. That is the distinction.
Watched a documentary awhile ago that suggested the CIA/FBI man behind JFK shot him trying to get his gun out.

Will never know the truth but I would doubt LHO was a lone gunman, if involved he'd be a patsy on the payroll.

That was the "Secret Service Agent". It really is the only plausible theory based on the projectile of the killing shot (though the documentary suggests it was an accident which is highly unlikely).

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