CIA operation that was organized by LBJ.

Kill shot came from the Secret Service agent carrying the equivalent of an AR-15 in the car immediately behind. When Oswald failed to kill him, the agent took the shot.

It is impossible that bullets from Oswald's rifle killed Kennedy. His head was full of bullet fragments. Oswald was firing full metal jackets.

The famous CIA operative E Howard Hunt was in Dallas that day (according to his son and photo evidence). He claims he was in DC.

It is illegal to remove a corpse from Texas without an autopsy. LBJ insisted that no autopsy take place and that the body fly back with him.

After the autopsy in Maryland, JFK's brain was lost.
Myth. There was hardly any brain left.
Poor secret service agent, can you imagine being blamed for something like that? Absolute tripe. Hunt's son is a totally discredited man talking publicity seeking rubbish designed to get book deals. It is illegal to take a corpse youre right. Kennedy's aide were enraged to learn that the hospital would not be letting the body leave, and it also turned into a fight to take the body away. Nothing sinister in it, they breached the rules but there was no sinister motive for so doing. There are detailed minute by minute accounts of how it happened openly available. Was nothing to do with LBJ. In fact, everyone wanted to leave immediately except for LBJ who insisted the plane and everyone remained in Dallas until he was sworn in. Everything you have typed is wrong and silly
That massive spray also proves that it was not Oswald that shot him as his bullet would have left a clean exit wound.
Also wrong. It left a clean exit wound in the neck because it didnt hit anything of any mass. When it hit his head, it went through brain, so brought brain out with it. This is not difficult to understand.
Absolutely. And it is proven. It really is very straightforward, in fact its simplicity makes it even more tragic I suppose.
It's not exactly a 'proven fact' that he was a line gunman but more that there is no particularly sound evidence to show he wasn't. There's reliable evidence to show that it's perfectly possible to squeeze off 3 shots in the time available. The range was relatively short and he was behind Kennedy, who was sat in a slow moving car so he didn't have to worry about allowing for movement.

The only things that seem a little odd is that neither the scope he had nor aiming the rifle using eyesight and the fixed sights alone would have given a good chance of an accurate shot. Also you wouldn't use a full metal jacket bullet if you wanted to guarantee a killas the while point of FMJ bullets is to pass through the body and minimise the exit wound. However they can and do fragment, plus the rifle was a shorter barrelled carbine, which would give the bullet less power than a longer barrelled sniper rifle. So possibly it hit bone, slowed done or fragmented and the kinetic energy was transferred to the brain.
That is how they branded him afterwards through the media. He wasn t a failure, after the Marines he became a double agent living in Moscow but the Russians were all over him. After returning he was involved with covert operations within the CIA. The failed husband bit is an insult considering his wife was brainwashed after the assassination. He may have not disclosed his real work to his wife and may have been idol from time to time. The last bit I cant comment on but he seemed to me to be intelligent after he got the Shit kicked outta him by police/CIA in his responses. He may not have been a cut-throat or a driven personality which in that industry is more of a must. He may have been a deep thinker and at some point was picked out as a scapegoat.

I love you mark..... but he was asking about JFK!
Also wrong. Oswald was a joke and Russia knew it. They were not interested in him and told him so. He tried suicide over there to get their help and attention but still they were not interested in him. He was monitored and helped for a few weeks by a woman in a department working for the KJB, but everything was run by the KJB over there in those days, under different titles or departments. He eventually got a shit job in a shit factory and got fed up and wanted to come back. They didnt care less and so he did. He expected fanfare and press coverage of the defector returning to the US, but nobody gave a shit. This affected him a lot and goes a long way to explaining why he did what he did. He tried to go to Cuba to join the revolution there, and they didnt want to know him either. This is why he made the dramatic gesture of trying to assassinate General Walker, to prove to them he was worthy of their cause, That he tried to kill another public figure is conveniently ignored by many people, or not known about at all.
Myth. There was hardly any brain left.
Poor secret service agent, can you imagine being blamed for something like that? Absolute tripe. Hunt's son is a totally discredited man talking publicity seeking rubbish designed to get book deals. It is illegal to take a corpse youre right. Kennedy's aide were enraged to learn that the hospital would not be letting the body leave, and it also turned into a fight to take the body away. Nothing sinister in it, they breached the rules but there was no sinister motive for so doing. There are detailed minute by minute accounts of how it happened openly available. Was nothing to do with LBJ. In fact, everyone wanted to leave immediately except for LBJ who insisted the plane and everyone remained in Dallas until he was sworn in. Everything you have typed is wrong and silly

My point exactly. He did not insist the plane remained in Dallas until he was sworn in--there is no need to swear him in as he immediately became president upon JFK's death. He insisted that they not leave Dallas without Jackie and JFK on board.
Myth. There was hardly any brain left.
Poor secret service agent, can you imagine being blamed for something like that? Absolute tripe. Hunt's son is a totally discredited man talking publicity seeking rubbish designed to get book deals. It is illegal to take a corpse youre right. Kennedy's aide were enraged to learn that the hospital would not be letting the body leave, and it also turned into a fight to take the body away. Nothing sinister in it, they breached the rules but there was no sinister motive for so doing. There are detailed minute by minute accounts of how it happened openly available. Was nothing to do with LBJ. In fact, everyone wanted to leave immediately except for LBJ who insisted the plane and everyone remained in Dallas until he was sworn in. Everything you have typed is wrong and silly

One of the things I typed was that Oswald was firing full metal jackets. Is that wrong? If not, and you are certainly wrong about there not being bullet fragments in Kennedy's skull, then everything you have said on this thread is undermined.

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