He wanted to do it primarily because he was concerned the assassination may have been an attack by the Soviet Union and wanted to display a public display of continuity and strength lest any foreign powers think there was confusion and a power vacuum Johnson actually sought the advice of Robert Kennedy, who was eager that he take the oath straight away. Again, there are factual reasons for things, that have been twisted and become part of this nonsense. He demanded that a lady named Sarah Hughes, a judge who he knew, come to the plane to swear him in, hence the delay. She had to be contacted, found, and transported there

All of that is true. What also is true is that he refused to leave without the body.
If there was an exploding bullet there would be more fragments than those 3 which are consistent with what happened. A bullet smashed into his skull and ripped out a hole which the first doctor who saw Kennedy in the emergency room said he could fit his fist in. So small fragmentation. Again, entirely normal. No exploding bullet.

Dr. Eric Berg, another medical examiner, said: “In x-rays of gunshot wounds, the presence of small fragments of metal along the wound track (as seen in Kennedy) virtually rules out full metal-jacketed ammunition (such as what Oswald allegedly used). A lead snowstorm on x-ray (such as Kennedy had) rules out full metal jacketed ammunition.
All of that is true. What also is true is that he refused to leave without the body.
It was Dave Powers that was refusing to leave without the body primarily. It is not true that Johnson refused to leave without, I dont know where you have picked that up but it is not so. He became involved in the discussion and saw how heated it had become and how passionate the Kennedy entourage were about it, and how upset Jackie Kennedy was with it, and he did not say anything otherwise. It simply is not the case that he refused to leave without the body, that simply is not an accurate history of what happened or how it happened.
Dr. Eric Berg, another medical examiner, said: “In x-rays of gunshot wounds, the presence of small fragments of metal along the wound track (as seen in Kennedy) virtually rules out full metal-jacketed ammunition (such as what Oswald allegedly used). A lead snowstorm on x-ray (such as Kennedy had) rules out full metal jacketed ammunition.
Who is Dr Eric Berg and where did you read this?
Anyway, never mind who Berg is or what he is saying because its bollocks. Here are the facts about the head wound, bullet, fragments and everything else. And I emphasise the words facts, for that is what they are:
the evidence of the head wound is text book for the entrance and exit of a conventional bullet.
1. 70% of the right side of the brain was blown out
2. the entry wound was on the rear of the head and small, slightly larger than the 6.5mm bullet that entered and caused the damage
3. Exam of the inside skull showed bevelling inward, confirming the entry point from the rear
4. The missing right front of the skull was found in Dealey Plaza. Exam of that piece found bevelling outward, further confirming the path of the bullet
5. That confirms it came out. So it did not explode
6. Less than 1mm of metallic dust particles was evident on Xray. Again showing no bullet exploded
7. Those particles followed the path of the bullet through the head, back to front, exiting on the right side. I emphasise exiting and path. The bullet travelled through; it did not explode
8. 3 fragments were found, the three in the photo put up earlier. The location of those fragments themselves prove the bullets path; one at the entrance point, the other two near the right eye. The bullet therefore travelled a path. It did not explode.
9. There was no photographic, Xray or personal medical observation of any other exit wound on the head, apart from that one large hole on the right side. There was no exploding bullet.
Those are the facts.
Cui bono? Who stands to gain from this crime. The answer is Lyndon Baines Johnson. Jackie, for one at the time believed he was behind he was behind the assassination. There is a lot out there if you are willing to look for it. Some of the most powerful men in America and the world are rumoured to be involved.

Also, I've politely asked a Blue who is very assertive and borderline profane with his opinions and very aggressive in trying to put down other Blues's opinions on this matter to provide his credentials for his calling certain things as rubbish shite, etc. He has chosen not to respond multiple times.

This leads me to believe he has no personal/professional knowledge of anything firearms related, therefore is going off what he reads to try and put down other Blues. Not a great idea, really. This totally, in my opinion, discredits his other arguments.
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Great post ^^^^^

I only posted a reply on LHO was not a failure in life because its a judgemental opinion which no one has a right to judge. There isn t a single person on here who can judge LHO because none of you knew the man. What a horrible way to live your life going around being condescending and judgemental.

"OH and I back that up because I read a reliable source and all you morons are obviously retarded in your researches."

That is what I get from most of the silly posts is this thread.^^^
Anyway, never mind who Berg is or what he is saying because its bollocks. Here are the facts about the head wound, bullet, fragments and everything else. And I emphasise the words facts, for that is what they are:
the evidence of the head wound is text book for the entrance and exit of a conventional bullet.
1. 70% of the right side of the brain was blown out
But an FMJ would not do that, certainly not one fired from a lower velocity rifle such as the Mannlicher Carcano carbine that Oswald is alleged to have used. You would not use an FMJ/carbine combination for a guaranteed kill. You might use a modern full-length barrel rifle with a significantly higher velocity, where the shock wave might be enough against a soft tissue target like the brain.

The use of an FMJ would be entirely consistent with the single bullet theory, where one bullet can cause injuries to more than one person, so the bullet that caused Connolly's injuries was almost certainly an FMJ. Bt an FJ is highly unlikely to have produced a "fist sized" exit wound. So it's unlikely to have been an FMJ that produced the spray of brains from the front of JFK's skull seen on the Zapruder film. That is far more consistent with the use of a frangible bullet that fragments on entry and therefore a shot from in front of the car.
I honestly believe some of the clues to the JFK assassination lie in the parts of the Watergate tapes that are erased. Nixon made reference to Kennedy and the 'bay of pigs thing'. I think some parts of those tapes were erased 19 times - so someone was hiding something and they didn't go to the same lengths to protect Nixon, Mitchell or Haldermann.

I know people love a conspiracy theory but I do think Oswald shot Kennedy from the book deposotory but I'm not sure Oswald acted alone - someone may have messed with his head and promised him something. It's also clear from the Watergate hearings that the Republican dirty tricks campaign had been active for many years prior to the Watergate break in - with the full knowledge of Nixon et al.

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