Jimmy & Joe To Sign New Contracts

He is a true pro in a strong bargaining position. If I were in his shoes I would make City sweat a bit to drive the best deal. I really hope he signs because everyone needs players that graft and not necessarily the most gifted. I am not sure what he is like in the dressing room, but I can imagine he just gets his head down and works for him place as opposed to a disruptive influence.
schfc6 said:
I'm not Milner's biggest fan, but I do see his value to the squad.

My bet or educated guess would be that the length of the contract would be the issue.

I imagine Milner will be looking at a 4 or 5 year deal. Due to his age then considering his style of play and reliance on fitness and endeavour I imagine we would be reluctant to give such a deal.

Liverpool or whomever on the other hand may be willing to give him a 5 year deal.

Milner needs to decided on quality over quantity.

I still think his home grown status will prove his biggest bargaining chip.

He's not publiclly courting a move, his effort is unquestionable so I'm sticking by him.

As I say I'm not his biggest fan, but you can't argue his devotion. Stay or leave he'll have more than paid his way.

If he goes to candle pool, they'll soon see he's far from the required quality to play centrally and Sterling & Lallana are both younger and keep him out of the England team. Add to that they have £20 million Markovic yet to fit in and are reportedly close to Shaqiri of Bayern. Sterling and Shaqiri are both support to Milner & Markovic and Lallana are much younger.

Milner needs to very careful, he could end up with a similar role to what he has at City but just playing for the 4th place cup..

I do like this post. I have a tiny feeling that Milner could have just a tiny bit of "spite" in him regarding the Club. On the bench for the Cup Final against Stoke and didn't come on, on the bench again for Aguerooo day and in the League Cup Final he really does miss out on all the fun and if we were playing Bayern in the Champions League semi final in four months time and all our squad are fit he is going to be on the bench again.

This is a very good player we are talking about but it isn't Hart or Zabaleta or Nasri or Dzeko or Kompany or Silva or Yaya or Kun or Fernandinho. A little bit of perpsective is needed. If Milner wants to sacrifice great money and the chance of trophies for a bit more cash at Liverpool then so be it you win some and you lose some. We have got Sagna on a free and Lampard on a free and we only paid buttons for Demichelis. If City were to make a cheeky £8M bid this window for Delph (out of contract at Villa in Summer and who ripped up trees in his first England appearances) then we have the back up central midfield player we never had as both Mr M and Mr P didn't and don't rate him in the role. Either of the kids Pozo or Lopez could step into the wide role he usually plays - not to mention feasible links to players such as Reus and Lionel.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Mister Appointment said:
And the cry came up the mountain to the man on high ... "Unite us oh great one, Unite us, for it is written you are the one to Unite us!"
Spelling 'Unite' with a capital 'U' is a bit raggy imo.

If quacks like a goat and runs like a fish it must be so. :)
I really hope Milner stays but I have absolutely no problem with the lad doing what is best for him.

Loyalty to the club is all well and good when it suits us ... but we are quite happy to overlook that loyalty when a Richard Dunne or a Stephen Ireland, players who were desperate to stay and fight for a shirt, are sidelined and shunted out. Ireland was player of the year and given a new five-year contract ... then Hughes gets sacked and Ireland is forced out to Villa Park. Nasty signed a five year deal with us in 2012 and is now sidelined and humiliated because he wouldn't do as he was told and sod off in the summer. It's not just us … all clubs do it. Look at how Levy fucked Crouch off to Stoke … the poor sod didn't want to leave and his celeb missus certainly didn't want to swap London for the bleeding Potteries … but it was either do as you're told or train with the kids. And woe betide the contracted player who doesn't fuck off to some shithole club when we tell him to … look at the outrageous stick Bridge got off our own fans because he honoured his contract and refused to go to Celtic or Russia or wherever the fuck we were trying to offload him. Let me think … I can stick to the deal we agreed and continue living in major city two hours from London, continue to see my little lad, continue shagging my pop star girlfriend and wait for a club I fancy to come in for me… or I can fuck off to Russia and give everything up because Roberto wants me off the wage bill asap and hasdecided to call me a **** in public? Hmmm … let me see.

Put yourself in Milner's shoes. He could sign a new deal and then watch us bring in Barkley, Rakitic , Draxler and Pogba this summer ... and then what? He's back to being what he was turning into … the odd-job handyman who gets a few minutes here and there and misses out on the big occasion games. Maybe Pep comes in and Milner is even treated the way his mates have been and his only option is to train with the kids or get shipped off to some far-flung outpost of our choosing. And it's not like this hasn't happened to him on numerous occasions throughout his career, is it?

He's a Leeds fan born and bred. Google the way he left his hometown club. When Leeds were relegated he didn't want to leave the club he'd supported all his life but they desperately needed the money ... so out of loyalty he let them ship him off to Newcastle. No sooner did he get there and Bobby Robson was sacked and Souness brought in. Souness not only sidelined him, he slagged the poor fucker off in public. So he ends up at Villa on loan ... and goes on to become their star player. A deal is agreed ... but Newcastle renege because Souness is sacked. So he gets recalled to Newcastle and starts playing under new boss Roeder. Things are going well and then Fat Sam gets installed. Milner signs a new deal … and Fat Sam promptly gets the tintack. A year later, Milner is back at Villa - where he gets a regular run and ends up PFA Young Player of the Year. Eventually, he signs for us ... but who was the makeweight in the deal? Our recent player of the year Stephen Ireland, who had to be dragged kicking and screaming up the M6. That was a good career move for Ireland, wasn't it, eh?

So, no, I have no problem with Milner making sure whatever deal he does next is the right one for him. The lad has been fucked about all through his career and is quite right to be wary of being fucked about again.

Yes, they get paid fortunes, yes they get glory and yes, there are millions who would give their eye teeth to be in his position ... and all the other old homilies that get trotted out … but it's a short career in a ruthless business.

Milner seems like a good lad and he has been an outstanding professional for us … well worth every penny we paid for him. I suspect it has nothing to do with money, just as Micah leaving had nothing to do with money. Maybe it's just about wanting to be a first choice player who is integral to a team. If Milner suspects that he will be peripheral at City, then who can blame a footballer for wanting to play football?

I'm always staggered that fans expect players to show the same blind love for the club that we do.

And to be honest, anyone who wouldn't do the same as Milner if they were in his position … in any walk of professional life … needs his fucking head examining. Don't sign the contract and hope for the best … negotiate the deal you want or don't sign the fucking contract in the first place!
stevemcgarry said:
I really hope Milner stays but I have absolutely no problem with the lad doing what is best for him.

Loyalty to the club is all well and good when it suits us ... but we are quite happy to overlook that loyalty when a Richard Dunne or a Stephen Ireland, players who were desperate to stay and fight for a shirt, are sidelined and shunted out. Ireland was player of the year and given a new five-year contract ... then Hughes gets sacked and Ireland is forced out to Villa Park. Nasty signed a five year deal with us in 2012 and is now sidelined and humiliated because he wouldn't do as he was told and sod off in the summer. It's not just us … all clubs do it. Look at how Levy fucked Crouch off to Stoke … the poor sod didn't want to leave and his celeb missus certainly didn't want to swap London for the bleeding Potteries … but it was either do as you're told or train with the kids. And woe betide the contracted player who doesn't fuck off to some shithole club when we tell him to … look at the outrageous stick Bridge got off our own fans because he honoured his contract and refused to go to Celtic or Russia or wherever the fuck we were trying to offload him. Let me think … I can stick to the deal we agreed and continue living in major city two hours from London, continue to see my little lad, continue shagging my pop star girlfriend and wait for a club I fancy to come in for me… or I can fuck off to Russia and give everything up because Roberto wants me off the wage bill asap and hasdecided to call me a **** in public? Hmmm … let me see.

Put yourself in Milner's shoes. He could sign a new deal and then watch us bring in Barkley, Rakitic , Draxler and Pogba this summer ... and then what? He's back to being what he was turning into … the odd-job handyman who gets a few minutes here and there and misses out on the big occasion games. Maybe Pep comes in and Milner is even treated the way his mates have been and his only option is to train with the kids or get shipped off to some far-flung outpost of our choosing. And it's not like this hasn't happened to him on numerous occasions throughout his career, is it?

He's a Leeds fan born and bred. Google the way he left his hometown club. When Leeds were relegated he didn't want to leave the club he'd supported all his life but they desperately needed the money ... so out of loyalty he let them ship him off to Newcastle. No sooner did he get there and Bobby Robson was sacked and Souness brought in. Souness not only sidelined him, he slagged the poor fucker off in public. So he ends up at Villa on loan ... and goes on to become their star player. A deal is agreed ... but Newcastle renege because Souness is sacked. So he gets recalled to Newcastle and starts playing under new boss Roeder. Things are going well and then Fat Sam gets installed. Milner signs a new deal … and Fat Sam promptly gets the tintack. A year later, Milner is back at Villa - where he gets a regular run and ends up PFA Young Player of the Year. Eventually, he signs for us ... but who was the makeweight in the deal? Our recent player of the year Stephen Ireland, who had to be dragged kicking and screaming up the M6. That was a good career move for Ireland, wasn't it, eh?

So, no, I have no problem with Milner making sure whatever deal he does next is the right one for him. The lad has been fucked about all through his career and is quite right to be wary of being fucked about again.

Yes, they get paid fortunes, yes they get glory and yes, there are millions who would give their eye teeth to be in his position ... and all the other old homilies that get trotted out … but it's a short career in a ruthless business.

Milner seems like a good lad and he has been an outstanding professional for us … well worth every penny we paid for him. I suspect it has nothing to do with money, just as Micah leaving had nothing to do with money. Maybe it's just about wanting to be a first choice player who is integral to a team. If Milner suspects that he will be peripheral at City, then who can blame a footballer for wanting to play football?

I'm always staggered that fans expect players to show the same blind love for the club that we do.

And to be honest, anyone who wouldn't do the same as Milner if they were in his position … in any walk of professional life … needs his fucking head examining. Don't sign the contract and hope for the best … negotiate the deal you want or don't sign the fucking contract in the first place!
That, sir, is a fucking superb post and bang on the money - the bit I have bolded is particularly apposite. Footballers watch their comrades get discarded like used rags when they're no longer of any use to the club they're contracted to. The world they inhabit is a fucking jungle. Don't expect them to look upon a football club with the same eyes as a supporter. The reason they've got to the top, as much as anything else, is their mental strength. To expect them to leave this at the door when renegotiating a contract, or deciding to leave a club to further their careers, displays a pathological absence of empathy.
stevemcgarry said:
I really hope Milner stays but I have absolutely no problem with the lad doing what is best for him.

Loyalty to the club is all well and good when it suits us ... but we are quite happy to overlook that loyalty when a Richard Dunne or a Stephen Ireland, players who were desperate to stay and fight for a shirt, are sidelined and shunted out. Ireland was player of the year and given a new five-year contract ... then Hughes gets sacked and Ireland is forced out to Villa Park. Nasty signed a five year deal with us in 2012 and is now sidelined and humiliated because he wouldn't do as he was told and sod off in the summer. It's not just us … all clubs do it. Look at how Levy fucked Crouch off to Stoke … the poor sod didn't want to leave and his celeb missus certainly didn't want to swap London for the bleeding Potteries … but it was either do as you're told or train with the kids. And woe betide the contracted player who doesn't fuck off to some shithole club when we tell him to … look at the outrageous stick Bridge got off our own fans because he honoured his contract and refused to go to Celtic or Russia or wherever the fuck we were trying to offload him. Let me think … I can stick to the deal we agreed and continue living in major city two hours from London, continue to see my little lad, continue shagging my pop star girlfriend and wait for a club I fancy to come in for me… or I can fuck off to Russia and give everything up because Roberto wants me off the wage bill asap and hasdecided to call me a **** in public? Hmmm … let me see.

Put yourself in Milner's shoes. He could sign a new deal and then watch us bring in Barkley, Rakitic , Draxler and Pogba this summer ... and then what? He's back to being what he was turning into … the odd-job handyman who gets a few minutes here and there and misses out on the big occasion games. Maybe Pep comes in and Milner is even treated the way his mates have been and his only option is to train with the kids or get shipped off to some far-flung outpost of our choosing. And it's not like this hasn't happened to him on numerous occasions throughout his career, is it?

He's a Leeds fan born and bred. Google the way he left his hometown club. When Leeds were relegated he didn't want to leave the club he'd supported all his life but they desperately needed the money ... so out of loyalty he let them ship him off to Newcastle. No sooner did he get there and Bobby Robson was sacked and Souness brought in. Souness not only sidelined him, he slagged the poor fucker off in public. So he ends up at Villa on loan ... and goes on to become their star player. A deal is agreed ... but Newcastle renege because Souness is sacked. So he gets recalled to Newcastle and starts playing under new boss Roeder. Things are going well and then Fat Sam gets installed. Milner signs a new deal … and Fat Sam promptly gets the tintack. A year later, Milner is back at Villa - where he gets a regular run and ends up PFA Young Player of the Year. Eventually, he signs for us ... but who was the makeweight in the deal? Our recent player of the year Stephen Ireland, who had to be dragged kicking and screaming up the M6. That was a good career move for Ireland, wasn't it, eh?

So, no, I have no problem with Milner making sure whatever deal he does next is the right one for him. The lad has been fucked about all through his career and is quite right to be wary of being fucked about again.

Yes, they get paid fortunes, yes they get glory and yes, there are millions who would give their eye teeth to be in his position ... and all the other old homilies that get trotted out … but it's a short career in a ruthless business.

Milner seems like a good lad and he has been an outstanding professional for us … well worth every penny we paid for him. I suspect it has nothing to do with money, just as Micah leaving had nothing to do with money. Maybe it's just about wanting to be a first choice player who is integral to a team. If Milner suspects that he will be peripheral at City, then who can blame a footballer for wanting to play football?

I'm always staggered that fans expect players to show the same blind love for the club that we do.

And to be honest, anyone who wouldn't do the same as Milner if they were in his position … in any walk of professional life … needs his fucking head examining. Don't sign the contract and hope for the best … negotiate the deal you want or don't sign the fucking contract in the first place!
Yeah but he's a "mercenary twat"
So are the majority happy with the way Milner is conducting himself because it's his right? Are we happy that he is cynically refusing to confirm his intentions so as he can walk on a free if he so wishes?

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