Jimmy & Joe To Sign New Contracts

I think (hope) he will stay and sign a contract. I have to think that "if" he is planning on moving on, it would be because he doesn't believe he will get as much playing time next season. If that's the case, he may be aware of some of our transfer targets.
FantasyIreland said:
So we sign an improvement.
...or Milner re-signs.

I'm not particularly arsed either way. I think Milner can easily be replaced, and probably for lower wages, yes we lose out on a fee, but I doubt the club are that worried. Personally I'd prefer he stayed, but I can't see me losing much sleep either way.
cleavers said:
FantasyIreland said:
So we sign an improvement.
...or Milner re-signs.

I'm not particularly arsed either way. I think Milner can easily be replaced, and probably for lower wages, yes we lose out on a fee, but I doubt the club are that worried. Personally I'd prefer he stayed, but I can't see me losing much sleep either way.

My gut has always said he will leave,it just doesn't add up that he wouldn't have already signed.

Like you,i'm not that arsed because there are better out there,probably on the continent,which is a slight ball ache regards HG.....but better none the less.

Wherever he ends up,its a backwards move,but hey ho,his decision.
Think he will be a huge miss for the squad the fact he is home grow his able to cover a number of positions and his work rate will be nearly impossible to replace, can't think of a player who ticks all those boxes that will be available for reasonable money in the summer!
Andouble said:
Hindsight and all that but I've got to lay blame with the board if this happens. No player should get to 1 September on the last year of their contract. Either re-sign them that summer, or sell them.

Still hope we work something out, though I can see him as a direct replacement for Gerrard at Liverpool, if his ambition's gone now that he's won the domestic lot

Maybe his ambition lies more with the national team. He's never been more than a bit part player for England and is pretty much derided by the media and no nothing fans as a typical, willing but limited workhorse. He and we know he's better than that, but maybe that received wisdom about his ability actually hurts jimmy, as a proud Yorkshire lad, and he wants the opportunity to try to establish himself as first choice central midfielder (it must hurt to see the likes of Henderson, Lallana, Wlishere get above him in the pecking order). If he can fill Gerrards boots at Liverpool he's got a better chance of doing that than if he stays with us and is in and out of the team and filling in wherever. At 29 and with his famed levels of fitness and good injury record he could be playing at the highest level well into his mid 30's and might make 100 caps.

Remember he was signed from Villa after a pretty spectacular season in which he was the main man in a decent, exciting team. He's had 4-5 great years with us and has won silverware that he wouldn't have come close to at almost any other club, but maybe that success is tinged with slight disappointment that he's not been integral to it.

Maybe the potential vacancy at the heart of Liverpool's midfield comes closest to matching his remaining personal ambitions?

Anyway, I'm firmly in the camp who will be disappointed if he leaves, but recognise that he has fulfilled the terms of his contract and during the period of that contract has worked his butt off and by and large played with distinction and has been a great example off the field too. So, please stay jimmy, but if you decide to move on, thanks and good luck.
Please Please Please get that contract signed!

We cannot be letting players of James Milner's quality and versatility leave at the peak of their career and for free!

I just don't get it, and I will be truly gutted if this lad leaves.

He would be the 1st name on the team sheet for me and not because I think he's the best technical player, but rather by selecting him I know we have at least one of the team giving 100% without question.

What is worrying is that people seem obsessed with the perceived Galactico status of a player rather than what they actually deliver.

Milner's attitude, enthusiasm and effort are that good that he'd be my Vice-Captain ahead of Yaya, Kolorov or Hart all day, every day!
Can't believe there are city fans out there happy to let Milner go.more talented than he is given credit for, never see him robbed of the ball when tight to the side line.always 100% from him?think if all the naff games like Stoke and the like where the international stars can't be arsed and we normally drop points! well it's never because of Milner cos he's not just talented but he's a workhorse too. He would be my first pick alongside the likes of silva and aguero and can't imagine why we would let him go.i would have him in my side in place so navas any day.
If he does go I bet he comes back to bite us.
FantasyIreland said:
So we sign an improvement.

What does this mean for our h/g quota. We'll be losing Milner and Lampard in the summer which leaves us with literally Joe and Clichy as the only registered homegrown players in the entire squad. That's not even club trained but association trained players.

Very worrying unless we intend to go and sign minimum two more who are good enough to be in our main first team squad (so not players liker Sinclair, Rodwell, etc).

On Milner - meh, I'm over it. If he wants to go and be a big fish on Merseyside and play under Brenda then I wish him all the best because he'll fucking need it. He can't be readily replaced because of his nationality as much as anything to do with his footballing ability but I'm sure the club have a plan.
MaineRoadBlue said:
What is worrying is that people seem obsessed with the perceived Galactico status of a player rather than what they actually deliver.
I'm sure every city fan wants him to stay, but he doesn't want to stay. So people are saying 'well, at least if he leaves maybe we'll sign someone better.'
I`ll be sorry to see Jimmy go,but at the end of the day,we actually need a natural left sided winger, a position that Jimmy seems to end up in.At times he frustrates me as he`s like a bull in a China shop,head down without really looking where he`s going.
His versatility will be sorely missed but I would expect the club to address that.Life goes on and I`ll be ever grateful for his contribution but maybe with Gerrard leaving,he probably realises he may take his place with the Dippers.

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