Joe Hart [MERGED]

Young adjusted his body well to angle the shot quite deliberately wide of Hart.

Still would've liked to have seen him tip it wide though.

It's not long after the Leicester mistake as well which doesn't help him, but is there really any point bringing Given in for a game and undermining Hart with a monumental derby around the corner?
Good help all the drama queens on this thread if Hart ever does hit a patch of genuinely poor form.

You lot must have been suicidal with some of the keepers we have had in the past.

If Joe Hart is currently in poor form then he must be the best keeper in the world because as periods of bad form for keepers go, this patch from Hart is hardly worthy of mention.

I can't believe that anyone who has watched football for any length of time and seen hundreds of keepers, including the very best, have bad runs and cost their teams numerous goals, would be even slightly concerned by Joe Hart's form
hart not at fault for the goal, the ball boucing just before the save made it alot more difficult, id be looking at toure,silva,kompany,kolorov to blame before hart.
Time to give Given a shot in goal I think. It won't do Hart any harm at all to spend a bit of time on the bench.
If he starts to think he's undroppable then that can't be a good thing can it.
Wasn't a great piece of keeping but wasn't terrible either. It was an ok save that he did push to the side, unluckily for Joe, Bent was there. If he had made a dodgier save and pushed it right into the middle of the box, he'd have got away with it. Just the way it goes, a bit unlucky.
Its not as if Hart hasnt been given the chance to make the jersey his own. All this bollocks that he young and we should be looking to the future what about the present we have dropped points from costly mistakes from Joe. We look like we have the makings of a good defence I just wonder with a experienced keeper in Shay playing behind that back 4 would he have made the mistakes that Joe has done this season. It seems the Hart fan club are blind to the mistakes. Yes Joe seems a good lad but maybe its time for him to sit on the bench for a couple of games and give Shay the chance to reclaim the jersey. I would expect Shay to be knocking on Mancini's door and wanting his chance now or he will demand a move away from the club.
We'd have lost the first game of the season with Given in goals. He was amazing that day. Since then, I have seen little from him that Shay couldn't do and I've seen plenty of situations where I feel Given would have done better. The bottom line is he's error prone and Given isn't. Rob Green will never play for his country again due to his 1 mistake so it is not all that unfair for Joe to face consequences for his now many blunders. There is no doubt in my mind that he'll be our no.1, and for a long time. He's a class act and I'm sure his poor concentration levels can and will be sorted as he matures. The issue is he's not yet ready and Given is still a top keeper so why are we sticking with Joe? It is proving very very costly.
leighton said:
Its not as if Hart hasnt been given the chance to make the jersey his own. All this bollocks that he young and we should be looking to the future what about the present we have dropped points from costly mistakes from Joe. We look like we have the makings of a good defence I just wonder with a experienced keeper in Shay playing behind that back 4 would he have made the mistakes that Joe has done this season. It seems the Hart fan club are blind to the mistakes. Yes Joe seems a good lad but maybe its time for him to sit on the bench for a couple of games and give Shay the chance to reclaim the jersey. I would expect Shay to be knocking on Mancini's door and wanting his chance now or he will demand a move away from the club.

and what about all the points he has saved us?

and what about all the points that Given has cost us since he has been here? You don't have to make glaring mistakes to cost your team goals, little things like standing on your line whilst team after team score 6 yard headers.
Yeh lets drop Joe Hart ruin his confidence...Actually why dont we send him out on loan??

Some people on here should get a job with the media and ruin his career altogether...F*cking joke some of the comments on here!

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