joe hart

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We need to work more on our defence the back four and hart!

What should happen is that hart is told not to come out at all for any long balls and the back four know this so will cover it..
Matt.D said:
Can't believe Nastasic is escaping criticism here. What the fuck was he doing, you don't head it back blind. That late in such a crucial game, if you don't get chance to look where your keeper is then you put it in row Z , end of story.

Hart also to blame, no business coming out, school boy stuff from the pair of them, not just Hart.

He was partly to blame but as I've said elsewhere he is a kid with potential who over performed last season. He has looked nowhere near as good this season and needs time on the bench.

We dropped a bollock not buying a top class CB last transfer window and have unbelievably done the same this one.

Our transfer policy is dreadful and I'm not sure who gets the blame for that.

What the fuck must Jovetic be thinking?
Matt.D said:
Can't believe Nastasic is escaping criticism here. What the fuck was he doing, you don't head it back blind. That late in such a crucial game, if you don't get chance to look where your keeper is then you put it in row Z , end of story.

Hart also to blame, no business coming out, school boy stuff from the pair of them, not just Hart.

+ Nastasic also cost us the 3rd goal away at Villa. Good player but not all that he's hyped up to be IMO.
Joe Hart is to blame. Nastasic isn't.

You are deluded if you think otherwise.
Thaksinssoldier said:
Where is Joe Hart's press conference today? Or his post game one?

Because he sure as hell wants to stand in front of the camera acting all important every other week.

Sick of him. He made one good save on Wed and was back up his own arse before he could land in Manchester. Guy is a train wreck and needs taking down a peg or two.

How do you figure that?
Joe's a great shot stopper, anything thumped at him from close range that he doesn't have to think about he can save, his save in 2012 at Villa Park in the last minute, the save at CSKA this week. His problem is that when he has to think and to make a decision, like when to stay on his line or to come out, it can go a bit tits up...he came charging out against CSKA in the 1st half and ended up in no-,mans land and the same today. That's probably why he doesn't come off his line too often, it's a weakness of his, he can't make a good call on that front. I find it a bit depressing, we should have a goalkeeper who commands his box, comes for corners and takes the pressure off the defence but we just don't have a keeper at the moment who seems capable of that. Give Pants his chance on Wed at Newcastle and if he does well give him a wee run in the team, see if he can be a bit more dominating for us at corners and stuff.
Thenumber1blue said:
MCFC97 said:
ox-blue said:
It wasnt his fault
It was his fault ,if he had stayed on his line like he normally does,there was no danger.He is completely to blame,don't try and be different.

joe was 1 million % to blame, when you see it replayed you realise what a monumental fuck up it was. When the defender is clearly ( and it was fucking clear... Even to my 10 month old daughter) going to win the ball the last thing you do is rush out and leave a playing field of space behind you... Pretty much the worst goalkeeping decision I've seen in the league this season.
Too many Bipolars knocking about tonight.

Superb 'Keeper, he does however NEED a rest.

Long rest, he'll be back on top form.

As for the view "if he played for xxxxx he wouldn't be Englands first choice"

Sorry, but this view can be for most players in that England team. The players are chosen almost by how many Twitter followers they have or something, based on if they can engage the TV audience and sell the tickets so The FArce can pay off Wembley.
Satisfies Vauxhall and Mars.

But I do however feel we need a 'keeper who would suit "The Team" more and someone with la liga experience aka Casillass is a better choice. Hart as the back up.
Dirty Harry said:
Davs 19 said:
Dirty Harry said:
His whole demeanour, how he conducts himself in general, on the field and off it.

I've met him a couple of times. Very humble and polite on both occasions.

Jealousy isn't an endearing trait.

Jealousy, get a fuckin grip .

As meaningful as your personal criticism of Hart....May I suggest that it's you that needs to 'get a fuckin grip'.. Criticize the guy as player, but as a bloke ? You don't know him mate so it's a load of uninformed bollocks
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