joe hart

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who is the goalkeeper coach at city, ? how many more times is hart going tocome tear arsing off his line like a bleeding big girl, going backwards, big style. dont think a team has won the prem winning 1 out of the first 4 away. thought the subs coulld have been better, and we might have nicked it.
I think he'll be replaced in January, Hes been at fault for far too much this season, Cardiff away, he came out for two corners and got nowhere near, Villa away he ran off his line, Bayern at home he was awful, CSKA away charged off his line, and today.

That in ten games is appalling.
Captain Oats said:
wish the plastics on the forum would fuck off. Joe is the best keeper we have had in a long time. This happened a few seasons back and everyone blamed kolo. it happens now when he is a whipping boy for the cunts out there and we blame joe.. get a fucking grip.
I thought you'd still be doing some extra training tonight Joe !
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Luke_mcfc said:
I recall a period in Ryan Giggs career when he was struggling badly for form. Many united fans wanted him gone. He recaptured it and the rest is history.

I believe this is the case with Joe. There is no question he is currently struggling but I think he will come good again.

Whether he gets the opportunity is another matter.

Hope yer right, L. Remember Big Joe Corrigan making a balls o' things a time or two. Wonder if it's just when we have goalkeepers called Joe. Oh for a Bert or a Harry!

Joe C used to get some awful stick.

City got so desperate that they bought a Scottish (Scottish!!) keeper - Keith Macrae.

Joe came back stronger and better than ever.

Perhaps Joe H needs to be given the same opportunity to come back stronger.
cookster said:
Looks like a guy who knows he's dropped another big bollocks!

Looks like a guy who really needs his supporters to get behind him to help him through these bad patches. I don't want him to leave.
Captain Oats said:
wish the plastics on the forum would fuck off. Joe is the best keeper we have had in a long time. This happened a few seasons back and everyone blamed kolo. it happens now when he is a whipping boy for the ***** out there and we blame joe.. get a fucking grip.

Plastic for criticising a player? You're having a laugh.
Too much uncertainty.

Too often we see defenders urging him to collect balls that are clearly his then he charges out for things like today that arent.

Maybe a firm decision needs making. Either come for everything (and accept the odd dropped bollock) or come for nothing. At least the defenders would know what is likely to happen
cookster said:
cityisOURS said:
I think we're just going to have to get behind him (which I'm sure we will do). Definetly needs replacing but I doubt Pants would be a better option until Janruary

When has Pants had a bad performance? Very under rated.

True. If he does well on Wednesday then he should be starting the next match IMO
Dirty Harry said:
Davs 19 said:
Dirty Harry said:
Jealousy, get a fuckin grip .

As meaningful as your personal criticism of Hart....May I suggest that it's you that needs to 'get a fuckin grip'.. Criticize the guy as player, but as a bloke ? You don't know him mate so it's a load of uninformed bollocks

what the fuck are you on about now ?

Me, trying to be cool, trendy ?

No not at all, and it has nothing to do with today or his goalkeeping, I'll say it as I see him (and have seen him when out and about) and, I've said it for a while now, he's gotten too big for his boots, 'swaggering' around like he's some kind of diva superstar, too good to acknowledge the fan on the street (more so than most of them), that's why I say he's a cocky, arrogant, swaggering little prick.

Memory like a goldfish as well ?
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