joe hart

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Pants really deserve his chance now, time for Joe to get his act together, and hope that he can regain his place on the merit required by a title challenging team. City need to look to the transfer market to keep all challengers for goalkeeper sharp and keen. This position over the last few years as become too automatic.
@BluePhil8 said:
WNRH said:
Simply not good enough, a keeper should be number one priority in the summer, until then Pantilimon will do.

And what? Have Hart cost us even more points? Bid for Casillas and Valdes in January.

Did you see Valdes yesterday?
You have to be realistic. Joe's form has not been good enough for 18 months. He is a good keeper but not one who can operate at the top level. He makes brilliant reflex saves but he can't pass the ball to a City player. He has saved us in many games, including Moscow last week, but he is just making too many errors and it is costing us points. At least four so far this season. Pellegrini has some big decisions to make. It is obvious to all City fans that we are weak at left back, holding midfield and centre back (too reliant on Vinny) If these issues can be tackled then we will be a fantastic team. The margins between success and failure are so small at the top level. Chelsea were lucky today but we have to face facts. The team is just a bit short to win the Premiership at present. We have still got time to address it..but not much.
Re: It's Time to Drop Joe

Joe has become a liabilty. At the moment I would be far more confident with Pantillimon in goal.
Re: It's Time to Drop Joe

Sit on his ass the whole game but decided to come out to play high ball outside the box when his pal was nearest to the ball, yeah very clever...
BlueTG said:
WNRH said:
Simply not good enough, a keeper should be number one priority in the summer, until then Pantilimon will do.
The thing is though, will he? If we had a keeper of Lopez or Begovic's quality in the squad I have no doubt they would have featured instead of Hart by now. Pants has made mistakes in the small amount of games he's played for us, and he doesn't exactly fill me with confidence when he starts, and clearly doesn't for the manager otherwise we would have seen him play.

Panti will do?? Hes better than that! (for first comment)

Panti is a good keeper he didn't make mistakes against Villa in the league cup like a lot of Hart fans try to say ,he just wasn't very good! He also made a mistake in the semi final against Chelsea but that didn't cost us a goal fortunately, and in that same game he made some match winning saves!

But what you have to understand with Panti he doesn't get regular football like Hart does he only gets a game every couple of months yet he still does good! He has made magnificent saves and has had man of the match performances when he has had a chance. So to say he makes mistakes as well is very very harsh as he has never ever made a proper mistake like Hart constantly does!
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