
Well Michael if you are reading this then congratualtions on your comeback, must have felt great to be back out there after a miserable year, and in just a few minutes showing what a class act you are and how sorely you were missed last season. Great to see you back and keeping my fingers crossed that its onwards and upwards from now on. As for the weight issue, as one person on here has already said, hughes is known for his tough training regime and MJ wouldn't have been anywhere near the squad if he thought he wasn't pulling his weight in training.
Looked overweight but you could also see his class o the ball. Hopefully last night will have given him a taste of what it's all about and he'll continue to knuckle down
Ireland, Johnson and others have gone from being regarded as world class to the scrap heap and vice versa because some people are prone to one extreme or another. It'd be laughable if it wasn't for the fact that it can be hurtful. I used to love the idea of players reading our posts but now I just hope they have th sense to stay away. It's pretty clear we are stuck with the internet warrior types so we just have to live with them (unfortunately).

For me, I was delighted to see Johnson back last night and delighted that we did so well without Ireland (my favourite player). Both will have to do very well on a consistent basis to make the grade in this team. I think they are both capable of making it and I hope they do... but they'll need our support now more than ever becuse it's a tough ask.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Looked overweight but you could also see his class o the ball. Hopefully last night will have given him a taste of what it's all about and he'll continue to knuckle down

be careful what you saying someone is overweight you are taking the piss out of them and they may go down the pub and nail 10 pints.................
Thanx4Knives said:
This thread is embarrassing, its like a fucking weight watchers meeting!!

Good morning. I'm Boots_ and I'd like to share with the group the fact that I've got a fat back.
Bit overweight still but nothing like earlier this summer as I said. Anyway it shouldn't be a problem at all if he's training with the team and got a personal schedule on. As I said FANTASTIC to see him back, he's our number 6 and can't wait to see more of him...bit of a blow for him this last season but IMO nothing has changed and he's still a young and exciting prospect.
TFC's 2 cents about the weight 'issue';

Bollocks. He looked fine last night, bulked up, but certainly not fat. I used to think sometimes Johnno got bullied off the ball too easily, not anymore.

Lose a smidge more Johnno, but not too much, you look better for it kid.
TFC said:
TFC's 2 cents about the weight 'issue';

Bollocks. He looked fine last night, bulked up, but certainly not fat. I used to think sometimes Johnno got bullied off the ball too easily, not anymore.

Lose a smidge more Johnno, but not too much, you look better for it kid.

1/2 stone and he'll be fine.

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