Joke thread

Guy was talking to his mate at work - 'I had one of them Freudian slips when talking to the wife this morning'

'what's that then?'

'you know, when you say something very similar to what you were meaning to say but it means something completely different'

'What'd you say?'

'well I meant to say - pass the sugar dear, but it came out as Fuck off you fat woman, you've ruined my life'
An American couple, A Canadian couple and a British couple are all newlyweds at their honeymoon hotel
At breakfast the American man says to his wife "pass me the honey honey"
The Canadian man says to his wife "pass me the sugar sugar"
The Brit says to his wife "pass me the milk yer cow"
An American couple, A Canadian couple and a British couple are all newlyweds at their honeymoon hotel
At breakfast the American man says to his wife "pass me the honey honey"
The Canadian man says to his wife "pass me the sugar sugar"
The Brit says to his wife "pass me the milk yer fat cow"
A plane crashes on a remote desert island and there are only 4 survivors: 3 very horny men and one beautiful blonde woman. After 2 months the woman is so ashamed of what they've been doing she kills herself. After another 2 months the men are so ashamed at what they've been doing they finally bury her. After another 2 months the men are so ashamed at what they've been doing they dig her up again.
Find this a bit racist to be honest.
Which bit of it do you find racist?

Is it the clothes described that would be typical Arab dress?

Is it the suggestion that an Arabian family live in Bradford?

If it was a Mancunian wearing a bucket hat under a stadium roof and his son asked him why he still had it on, would that be racism?

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