Joke thread

I am a trans person who suffers from panic attacks. My pronouns are their, their.
If you're gonna nick a joke from The Fringe then at least tell it properly.

I’m an extremely emotionally needy non-binary person. My pronouns are “there, there”. Sarah Keyworth
I improved it. The written version is wrong. I used possessive pronouns which is surely correct. Na na-na na na.
I improved it. The written version is wrong. I used possessive pronouns which is surely correct. Na na-na na na.
No, the possessive pronoun is wrong as the original joke clearly refers to the use of "there there" by a second person in an emotionally supportive manner. You therefore ruined an already fucking awful joke, well done :)
No, the possessive pronoun is wrong as the original joke clearly refers to the use of "there there" by a second person in an emotionally supportive manner. You therefore ruined an already fucking awful joke, well done :)
As they are homonyms and the joke is verbal does it matter?
As they are homonyms and the joke is verbal does it matter?
if they were homonyms of the same spelling I would tend to agree, but as the spelling differentiates the meaning, then I would not. This applies obviously only as the joke is no longer verbal.

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