Joke thread


It's very sad to see posters getting bitter and resorting to petty taunts. There are two or three saddos who slag me off on here who seem to think they're clever. They're not. They're pathetic.

I don't and won't criticise posters on this thread (other than in an honest / friendly manner.

Remember... It's a joke thread. No-one said the jokes have to be new, or funny.

You can amuse all of the people some of the time.
You can amuse some of the people all of the time.
But you can't amuse all of the people all of the time.

Hopefully many of your jokes will avoid the stony ground.

P.S. Some of the so called jokes on here are disgusting which can't be said about yours. ;- )
At junior school, Jethro sat next to his best friend, Denzil Penberthy.

One day the teacher told the class that she wanted them to think very hard, and come up with a poem ending in Timbuktu.

After a couple of minutes, Susan put her hand up, and said, "Please miss, I have one".

The teacher told her to go ahead, and recite it.

"As I was walking on the sand,
I saw a ship not far from land.
It had a very handsome crew.
It’s destination Timbuktu."

Denzil immediately shouted, "She’s a smart shit!"

The teacher told Denzil he was very rude, and it was now his turn to recite a poem ending in Timbuktu.

Jethro told her, "I don’t think that’s a very good idea".

"Shut up, fat guts," said the teacher. "Your poem, please, Denzil".

"Tim and me went down to Kent,
And we saw three women in a tent
We couldn’t think of much to do.
So I bucked one, and Timbuktu."

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