Joke thread

An old Jewish guy was out one day walking his dog and he goes near a railway line. To his horror, he sees a man from his synagogue with his head on the line, and holding a salt-beef sandwich.

He says "Abie! Abie! What are you doing? You'll get killred!"

Abie says "My wife's left me, I've no job, I've no money, and nowhere to live.......this is the only way out."

The guy says "That's terrible.....but why the salt beef sandwich?"

Abie says "Well, you know how long you wait for a train these days?"
Two Arab women were talking one day.
One says to the other, "I've not seen you for a while, how are you and your family?"
The second Arab lady says, "Oh my husband and I are ok, but we are grieving the loss of 2 of our 3 sons".

"Oh that's awful", says the first woman, "What happened?"

"Oh they died fighting for the cause.
They were only 18 and 20 years old, suicide bombers ".

"Ah, the kids blow up too soon these days don't they.....?
After meeting in a club, a couple can't wait and grabs a cab to the guy's house....

They're all over each other in cab, the garden, the hallway... he manages to get the door open, the tumble into the house, shut the door and tumble onto the couch in a passionate encounter.

After it is finished, the man says to the woman, "If I knew you were a virgin, I would have taken more time."

The woman replies, "If I knew you could have taken more time, I would have taken my tights off"

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