A man goes into the butchers and says, "I'd like a kilo of those piss holes in your window please".
The butcher says, "I don't know what you're talking, we don't sell those".
The man says, "Yes you do and I want to buy some".
The butcher says adamantly, "We don't sell those sir".
The man says, "I know what I saw, come outside and I will point them out".
"Ok", says the butcher, (thinking "I'll humour the bloke"), "come on outaide and show me".
They both walk outside and look in the window.
The man points to the sign and triumphantly says, "There you are, piss holes"!
The butcher says to him in exasperation, "Sir, that's not a P, that's an R"!
The man says, "Well give me some of your R soles then"!