A London cabbie gets flagged down by a brash American businessman at the airport. Take me to the savoy says the yank but detour round some of the sights in this little city of yours on the way. They drive past Buckingham Palace and the cabbie says thats the queens residence, well, says the yank, I have a summer house down my garden as big as that, as big as that!! exclaims the cabbie. Well,says the yank, that far off, and parts his thumb and forefinger by 2 inches to show the cabbie how close. They go past Nelsons column and as the cabbie is explaining its history the yank says, well, I have trees in my garden as tall as that. As tall as that"" exclaims the cabbie. That far off says the yank again gesticulating with his thumb and forefinger. This goes on at all the other points of interest along the way, then finally they reach the yanks hotel, as he gets out he sees a building across the road. Whats that place? asks the yank,and points to a maternity hospital. Oh, says the cabbie, thats where British women have babies out of their arses, out of their arses!! exclaims the yank, well,says the cabbie.............. that far off.