jose mourinho anyone?

agreed...I'm new to this site but had a ST/sc since 78...cant believe the amount of negativity on here, its full of impatient pricks who know nothin, if they had their way we'd have no manager and over half the new players would be shipped out...Obv Sheik Mansour is clueless about building an empire, god knows how he got his billions.... the club should take the advice of the bluemoon forum moaners instead...
Inter have drawn 5 games and lost 1 under Mourinho this season.... maybe they should sack him....
Freestyler said:
darrenwassall said:
agree with everything you wrote but why should he come to city?

money talks.....

he loves england, he loves the premiership, he loves a challenge, he loves to spend money, he likes to create history, he ticks all the boxes, plus i reckon for when he signs on the dotted line, the owners just give him 10million for that!

no, he loves the press crawling up his arse
If he loves the press crawlin up his arse he certainly wont come to City......!! ...he'd be slated after a few draws and have half this forum demandin his head... especially the knobs who wanted him to replace Hughsey in the first place...
blumoonrises said:
agreed...I'm new to this site but had a ST/sc since 78...cant believe the amount of negativity on here, its full of impatient pricks who know nothin, if they had their way we'd have no manager and over half the new players would be shipped out...Obv Sheik Mansour is clueless about building an empire, god knows how he got his billions.... the club should take the advice of the bluemoon forum moaners instead...
Inter have drawn 5 games and lost 1 under Mourinho this season.... maybe they should sack him....

blumoonrises you should fuck right off, as you are too positive for some on here!

only kidding m8, welcome and a very good post
blumoonrises said:
agreed...I'm new to this site but had a ST/sc since 78...cant believe the amount of negativity on here, its full of impatient pricks who know nothin, if they had their way we'd have no manager and over half the new players would be shipped out...Obv Sheik Mansour is clueless about building an empire, god knows how he got his billions.... the club should take the advice of the bluemoon forum moaners instead...
Inter have drawn 5 games and lost 1 under Mourinho this season.... maybe they should sack him....

You are obviously new. You have'nt said you want Hughes Out!

It can be a bit knee jerk and melodramatic on here, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.
well..I'm sort of new on ere, but I've been keepin an eye on posts the last couple of months and know exactly what its like..!
funny you don't hear the same shitty opinions at the games..(apart from the odd moanin minority, who clearly have anger issues which extend beyond city and into their everyday "lives"...)..which makes me think the "Hughes out" mob on ere are not the same folk which attend matches...(well..yeah apart from maybe the odd one that some of us are unfortunate enough to have sittin a few rows back..!)
Having witnessed years of unsavoury moments from Halifax to Wycombe...via Shrewsbury etc... I'm really thankful for what we've got at the moment, that is at last we are owned by someone who has a record of worldwide success in everthing he's touched, and will clearly continue that trend with city.
The future is bright and the sooner the moanin, morons realise that, and stop the negative shit that has hampered us for years, which they are partly resposible for, the sooner the good times will be upon us...
And yeah..we all have a right to an opinion, and there's nowt wrong with constructive criticism, I'm as frustrated as anyone by the fact we've threw points away, and could easily be just a win behind Chelsea, but FFS 11 games 1 loss....all teams have a rough patch durin a season and this is prob ours, and as that rough patch consists of a few draws then things aren't so bad... it def doesn't mean we should call for Hughes to be sacked and and go back to sq1 for another rebuild which would take another couple of years...!
blumoonrises said:
well..I'm sort of new on ere, but I've been keepin an eye on posts the last couple of months and know exactly what its like..! funny you don't hear the same shitty opinions at the games..apart from the odd moanin minority, who clearly have anger issues which extend beyond city and into their everyday "lives"...
Having witnessed years of unsavoury moments from Halifax to Wycombe, I'm really thankful for what we've got at the moment, that is at last we are controlled by someone who has a record of worldwide success in everthing he's touched, and will clearly continue that trend with city, the future is bright and the sooner the moanin morons realise that, and stop the negative shit that has hampered us for years, which they are partly resposible for, the sooner the good times will be upon us...

You, sir, are a positive thread in a negative world.

I like it!
Vienna_70 said:
Not on your life!

Chelski played dreadfully boring football under him and all he did was moan!

No thank you.

I know what you mean....

All those titles and cups....just dreadful!


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