Juan Mata (Merged)

Re: Juan Mata is a must

Ticket For Schalke said:
Dax777 said:
On a side note, is it just me or has Arsenal done really well for themselves this summer?

The attack i.e Forwards and Wingers

Van Persey, Chammakh, Arshavin, Walcott, Vela, Gervihno, Chamberlain, Miyachi, Campbell. Say what you want about their experience, but that is one hell of a deep front line.

Their Central 3 is inexperienced but not bad with Song, Wishere, Ramsey Rosisky, Diaby, Frimpong. Needs one more player.

And Defense needs a solid CD and a leftback.

Really Arsenal is not much different from any of the other top 4.

United is short a CM
We are short a CM and Winger (and a CD if you ask me)
Chelsea is short in midfield. (Needs a creative mid)
And Pool is short at CD.

We all have needs, so why all the gloom and doom stories about Arsenal? They are frankly just as deep as the others.

Wouldnt touch ours, rags or chavs 11 and bench.

This. Although, I think Robin Van Persie exudes class. One of the world class strikers, imo. Fitness problems are just too encumbering for him.

Balo, Dzeko, Tevez, Aguero, Silva, Y. Toure and Nasri. Hm......
Re: Juan Mata is a must

Gervinho was nervous and his final ball was poor, but he's direct, tricky and will be an asset for us. He is exactly what we needed as he will add movement and pace to our game. It was his first game in the PL in a new team, so its understandable he wasnt on the same wavelength with the players.....but he will be fine.
Re: Juan Mata is a must

Arsene said:
Gervinho was nervous and his final ball was poor, but he's direct, tricky and will be an asset for us. He is exactly what we needed as he will add movement and pace to our game. It was his first game in the PL in a new team, so its understandable he wasnt on the same wavelength with the players.....but he will be fine.

Yep, confident he'll turn out to be a good buy at the least.
Re: Juan Mata is a must

zangatangring said:
Arsene said:
Gervinho was nervous and his final ball was poor, but he's direct, tricky and will be an asset for us. He is exactly what we needed as he will add movement and pace to our game. It was his first game in the PL in a new team, so its understandable he wasnt on the same wavelength with the players.....but he will be fine.

Yep, confident he'll turn out to be a good buy at the least.
I thought our keeper and defence looked solid, but midfield was poor. But to be fair to us we were without fabregas, nasri and wilshere....thats alot of class there. yes 2 of them will leave. But im sure wenger will add couple of midfielders in there....we desperately need someone who can dictate the game for us. The likes of ramsey and Rosicky are good squaddies, they can come in and do a job every now and then, but there's no way wenger will rely on them. i expect one of the midfielders to be jadson to replace Fabregas.....i really hope Mata or someone of similar style comes in as well and add a CB and Im confident we will be very competitive this season
Re: Juan Mata is a must

Arsene said:
I thought our keeper and defence looked solid, but midfield was poor. But to be fair to us we were without fabregas, nasri and wilshere....thats alot of class there. yes 2 of them will leave. But im sure wenger will add couple of midfielders in there....we desperately need someone who can dictate the game for us. The likes of ramsey and Rosicky are good squaddies, they can come in and do a job every now and then, but there's no way wenger will rely on them. i expect one of the midfielders to be jadson to replace Fabregas.....i really hope Mata or someone of similar style comes in as well and add a CB and Im confident we will be very competitive this season

I watched your 1st leg against Barca and the Defence was very competent.

Would you say Samba is still on the books for you?
Re: Juan Mata is a must

zangatangring said:
Arsene said:
I thought our keeper and defence looked solid, but midfield was poor. But to be fair to us we were without fabregas, nasri and wilshere....thats alot of class there. yes 2 of them will leave. But im sure wenger will add couple of midfielders in there....we desperately need someone who can dictate the game for us. The likes of ramsey and Rosicky are good squaddies, they can come in and do a job every now and then, but there's no way wenger will rely on them. i expect one of the midfielders to be jadson to replace Fabregas.....i really hope Mata or someone of similar style comes in as well and add a CB and Im confident we will be very competitive this season

I watched your 1st leg against Barca and the Defence was very competent.

Would you say Samba is still on the books for you?
I hope not. Samba may be big imposing guy in the air, but he's slow and clumsy. I want someone like Cahill, good in the air, but far more mobile and pace
Re: Juan Mata is a must

Arsene said:
zangatangring said:
Arsene said:
I thought our keeper and defence looked solid, but midfield was poor. But to be fair to us we were without fabregas, nasri and wilshere....thats alot of class there. yes 2 of them will leave. But im sure wenger will add couple of midfielders in there....we desperately need someone who can dictate the game for us. The likes of ramsey and Rosicky are good squaddies, they can come in and do a job every now and then, but there's no way wenger will rely on them. i expect one of the midfielders to be jadson to replace Fabregas.....i really hope Mata or someone of similar style comes in as well and add a CB and Im confident we will be very competitive this season

I watched your 1st leg against Barca and the Defence was very competent.

Would you say Samba is still on the books for you?
I hope not. Samba may be big imposing guy in the air, but he's slow and clumsy. I want someone like Cahill, good in the air, but far more mobile and pace

Phil Jones would've been a great acquisition. I haven't seen much of Cahill so can't criticise. I think Mata is a very capable player although I'm curious as to where Wenger would fit him in?
Re: Juan Mata is a must

With miyachi getting his permit, Chamberlain coming for big money and Gervinho, Walcott and Arshavin there already....i doubt Wenger would go for Mata. i would go for 2 midfielders and a CB
Re: Juan Mata is a must

M.C.F.C.O.K said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
that lad is gonna tear some teams apart once he settles.I watched and thought he was far better workrate wise in that game than Adam Johnson ever has been for us.His final ball was poor but he was a terror.

To say otherwise is to have blue tinted specs on.

I agree but i would rather Johnson as he does have more end product. Coz you can be a 'terror' all you want but without anything at the end your just now whats known as a 'Walcott'. Granted it is only his first game though so we shall see.

Gervinho had 18 goals in all competitions for the last two years running (that's 36 goals in two years).

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