Jude Bellingham

Me too. Said he was good but nowhere near the level some were making out. I said I didn't want him at £125 million as (Jack aside) that isn't how we operate. No egos and dig out some gems. Pretty much everybody was biting my head off. If I'd known Rice would later go for £105 million that pricetag actually now looks quite reasonable. Definitely had a purple patch at the start of his move to Madrid but seems to be plateuing somewhat.

Apart from the Senegal game at the World Cup he was anonymous in France. Good yes, had to be to be captaining Dortmund at his age but top, top drawer... let's wait and see. As somebody else has mentioned Phil's the generational talent in this English team. Team should be built around him, not sticking him out left just so Bellingham can be '10'. Annoys me enough when Pep does it, never mind waistcoat.
Plateauing is being generous.

In his last 15 club games (all comps) Bellingham has 4 goals, 4 assists, 6 yellow cards, and a red card (and he should have had another yellow at least yesterday).

That’s a G/A rate that is much less than Foden’s (13, 0 cards) over the same number of games, and 1 less than Bruno fucking Fernandes (9 G/A, 2 yellows).

Edit: for further context on the Bellingham is the best in the world and Foden is still trying to prove he is world class debate, Foden has a G/A every 113 minutes (~3,500 mins, all club comps) thus far this season to Bellingham’s G/A every 100 (~2,800, all club comps).

Phil Foden is not our main attacker nor does everything go through him. And I’d argue he hasn’t been playing his best position for most of the season and gets far less protection in the Premier League than Bellingham gets in La Liga. He’s also had to shoulder the burden of being the creative spark when arguably the best midfielder in the world (and arguably the best striker in the world) has been out with injuries. Not sure the same could be said of Bellingham.
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Did you even read the OP of the thread?

Or watch our match yesterday?

He’s not a “bastard” on the pitch, he’s a petulant child at present.

Not sure trying to act like he’s had his leg broken and trying to get a player carded with nearly every challenge he is on the end of (with the replays showing there was minimal or no contact at all) and spending most of the time on his arse remonstrating with the ref about perceived injustices whenever an opposition player has the temerity to get near him, whilst simultaneously diving in late every third challenge, throwing his elbow in to the back of opposition defenders, and giving away the ball trying to beat the entire defence himself every other time he gains possession is going to help England at the Euros.

And last night was just the worst of it as of late. He’s been on the slow slide to shitehouse egotist for nearly two months. It was just so bad last night even the ESPN pundits were having a go post-match.

Fair enough.
I didn’t see him yesterday.
Just going off his performances from England really and he looks the real deal.
Hopefully he cuts down on all the above.
Plateauing is being generous.

In his last 15 club games (all comps) Bellingham has 4 goals, 4 assists, 6 yellow cards, and a red card (and he should have had another yellow at least yesterday).

That’s a G/A rate that is much less than Foden’s (13, 0 cards) over the same number of games, and 1 less than Bruno fucking Fernandes (9 G/A, 2 yellows).

Exactly. Couldn't expect him to maintain that form he started with for the full season. The hype hasn't died down but the form certainly has. In my late 30's and although I'm biased Phil is technically the best English footballer I have ever seen and by some margin.
Think the petulance towards the ref was born out of frustration at chasing shadows most of the night and being on the ball significantly less than I imagine he is in run of the mill la liga games. He's not used to being made to look invisible. If he's got anything about him (which I'm pretty sure he has to be where he is already) then last night will be a big lesson to him that there's a few more levels to go to yet before the elite label can be attached to him with any merit.
Exactly. Couldn't expect him to maintain that form he started with for the full season. The hype hasn't died down but the form certainly has. In my late 30's and although I'm biased Phil is technically the best English footballer I have ever seen and by some margin.

That's exactly what I was saying to somebody last week. I'm not saying Phil is the greatest or best English player ever or whatever you want to call it because you can quantify that in many ways

But who can you really say had better pure technical ability than him from this country?
i can't really think of any

Its the kind of skill level I used to envy when I watched international tournaments the past and saw how some players from other countries had this technical ability and complete ease on the ball that our players never really seemed to have.
False 9 isn’t his position and neither is 10. He needs to play as an 8 for me but his ego is telling him he is a goal scorer. He does bag obvs but his best attributes are his physical strength and mobility. He should be next to Rice for England with Foden 10 behind Kane
That's exactly what I was saying to somebody last week. I'm not saying Phil is the greatest or best English player ever or whatever you want to call it because you can quantify that in many ways

But who can you really say had better pure technical ability than him from this country?
i can't really think of any

Its the kind of skill level I used to envy when I watched international tournaments the past and saw how some players from other countries had this technical ability and complete ease on the ball that our players never really seemed to have.

He's very un-English. His balance, first touch, awareness of space and dribbling to go alongside his raw pace and ability to truly strike a ball sweetly. Nobody comes close in the last 30+ years. Even foreign players there aren't many that can do/could do what he does. Some had a few of those attributes but not all of them blended together like Phil.

Like everybody I was excited with Rooney at Euro 2004 and do wonder what he could have become if he was actually dedicated and professional. I loved Gerrard back in the day as a neutral for his dynamism and carrying a mediocre dipper side.

I can remember Red Nev was saying at the World Cup that he's a generational talent and would walk into any international side in the world. Meanwhile waistcoast has him warming the bench. It's an absolute travesty how he's been wasted with England.
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Like everybody I was excited with Rooney at Euro 2004 and do wonder what he could have become if he was actually dedicated and professional.

Until recently … Englands all time ever goal scorer ?

253 goals for Man Utd and there all time top scorer.

won 16 trophies and became the only English player to win the Premier League, FA Cup, UEFA Champions League, League Cup, UEFA Europa League.

Pretty sure he was dedicated and professional to achieve all that.

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