Kamala Harris

No just that she is the first female VP of the US.

There have been many number 2's world wide that have made a contribution and will in the future.

Harris I know will go down as a dud even though you think the role is nothing more than window dressing.

Ask Biden why he picked her after she played the race card once to often to answer it was only robust debate (LOL).

A bimbo in the extreme Fog sorry but that's just how it is.

She doesn't know how to play the game either.

He 'picked' her because the Clinton chose her in the Hamptons. He wanted Klobuchar, but she got embroiled in the George Floyd nonsense early on.

He said he'd pick a Black female VP for the votes, then aimed at Amy Klo and got given Kam Har. Looks like Pete Buttigieg might even be shuttled forward to take over that role.

The Dems ticking all the boxes for the vote except doing the simple act of rising wages!
No just that she is the first female VP of the US.

There have been many number 2's world wide that have made a contribution and will in the future.

Harris I know will go down as a dud even though you think the role is nothing more than window dressing.

Ask Biden why he picked her after she played the race card once to often to answer it was only robust debate (LOL).

A bimbo in the extreme Fog sorry but that's just how it is.

She doesn't know how to play the game either.
You’re kind of proving my point about one of the reasons she’s disliked by tagging her with a derogatory sexist term based on literally no information about her.

She’s the Vice President. I’ve tried to be helpful here in explaining why they’re picked and how they are thought of in America, where I live. We can revisit again when/if she’s a Presidential nominee.
Go on then.

Tell the board what part is untrue.

I'll bet you go missing.
To be fair she did say she was in distress for a large part of the day and would only be flashing in and out to make sure that the mancity1 and Bigga's of the world nonsense line was towed out again but even that she could not do (LOL) this time.

When she recovers she will join the MOB once again asked to explain herself once again spout some more words like rubbish and nonsense and maybe something more crass that has nothing to do with the subject matter and nothing more than dare I say a dislike for the poster or at best without attempting to explain a differing point to view and why she holds this view because in short she is incapable of doing so and it exposes her real agenda for posting in the first place and go missing once again like she always has until she feels like repeating it for the umpteenth time when she trolls once again.

the MOB with a couple of exceptions have a habit of never finishing what they start and do what the likes of Queensland Premier does all the time when her lies or lack of explanation to support the narrative and politically divisive narrative is exposed for what it is even by a complicit media and say whoops got to go and catch a CO2 chuggling plane to my next piece of BS.

She hasn't given one iota of detail as to why anybody would have confidence in the likes of Harris to improve the lot of the minority with constructive policy amendment and implementation in the US given her record and explain her governments policy on law and order for example going forward , why for example looting should remain a misdemeanour and not a felony in California for example.

Law and Order is and will will become even a bigger issue going forward in the US.
The usual counter argument, but I guess the question is was Pence being groomed to take over or was he just a ventriloquist's dummy?
Spot on , what Pence's approval rating has to with KH's is beyond me anyway its not even a counter argument.

Its the hear and now that matters , like saying the captain of the English cricket team is far more popular amongst his colleagues and the public or not so as the case may but it means nothing if the team is hopeless against any opposition.

China , USSR and North Korea know the US are weak at the top.

Joes climate envoy consisting of John Kerry says it means nought if they do nothing about reducing their emissions the US could go to zero and cripple manufacturing and their ability to be self sufficient in energy supply and it wouldn't matter.

No show for the big players at COP26 not that it would have mattered if they did and all is well until COP27 (lol).

You couldn't make it up.
You’re kind of proving my point about one of the reasons she’s disliked by tagging her with a derogatory sexist term based on literally no information about her.

She’s the Vice President. I’ve tried to be helpful here in explaining why they’re picked and how they are thought of in America, where I live. We can revisit again when/if she’s a Presidential nominee.
Apologies Fog lacking in cognitive skill and an ability to reason and as you say an ability to organise and hence achieve necessary reform taking the votes with her.

you can't laugh your way out of every question asked of you Fog , which is why she is hidden even from a complicit media.
Apologies Fog lacking in cognitive skill and an ability to reason and as you say an ability to organise and hence achieve necessary reform taking the votes with her.

you can't laugh your way out of every question asked of you Fog , which is why she is hidden even from a complicit media.
What annoys me is that I try very hard to be balanced in my view of politics and people as best I can be; meantime we have the quite clearly stupid and dangerous Greene — with lower approval ratings from her own party than Harris has nationally, last I looked — angling to be Speaker of the House — a far more important role than VP — if the House flips in 22, and yet you have said nothing about that.


I like your music posts and I’m happy to disagree on politics but it seems you are being deliberately provocative here. Stop please.

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