Kamala Harris

What annoys me is that I try very hard to be balanced in my view of politics and people as best I can be; meantime we have the quite clearly stupid and dangerous Greene — with lower approval ratings from her own party than Harris has nationally, last I looked — angling to be Speaker of the House — a far more important role than VP — if the House flips in 22, and yet you have said nothing about that.


I like your music posts and I’m happy to disagree on politics but it seems you are being deliberately provocative here. Stop please.
I am not on here to please anybody Fog or kowtow to anybody even you and likewise as I often said I admire your knowledge in music and your ability to articulate this since you bring it up on a KH thread.

Your angle has been to compare democracy better served on the left or centre left to a cult.

its so simplistic to tow that line but you miss the boat so to speak with the greatest of respect to you and your balanced view as you term it.

I have formed an opinion about you in respect of your political views however that morphs and may well change the more posts I read from you should I decide to , however my posts are not aimed at obtaining a response from you nor ever directed at you nor are they aimed at you and you forming a opinion in this instance incorrectly as to any motive or desire unless you decide to reply or comment on them and I decide to respond in kind.

Deliberately provocative ? You read me incorrectly Fog and with respect to request someone to cease because you may disagree albeit in this instance you are introducing a hypothetical and should that occur it in all likelihood won't have the type of consequence you are suggesting.

Others on here have been cancelled because they post detail that others either take offence to , disagree with often without explaining why and when they attempt do , do little else than virtue signal and I think you are above that however time will tell.

they plead with the mob to rid such posters which is as discriminatory , absurd and stupid as one can get given there is an ignore feature and people can make up their own minds Fog on what they think or how they wish to respond and often these same posters engage in using vile , virtuous , non-sensical and provocative language often in breach of COC but unfortunately it is the only way they can express their opinion when they decide to attack and in the main the MODS to little other than appease their wish.

I speak for no-one other than myself and neither do you.

As I have told others many times if you don't like the view , you are free to explain why and perhaps you don't regard Harris as dangerous because her role is well down the pecking order in your eyes and in your view not as stupid in itself derogatory and sexist or can be construed as such as a comment you accuse someone else of delivering because of partisan views.

I would never request of you to cease your time posting on this thread despite your previous comments that you are growing tired of doing so and prefer to spend the time you have on other threads.

you have done it before Fog , you didn't learn much from the last time.

Food for thought Fog.
I am not on here to please anybody Fog or kowtow to anybody even you and likewise as I often said I admire your knowledge in music and your ability to articulate this since you bring it up on a KH thread.

Your angle has been to compare democracy better served on the left or centre left to a cult.

its so simplistic to tow that line but you miss the boat so to speak with the greatest of respect to you and your balanced view as you term it.

I have formed an opinion about you in respect of your political views however that morphs and may well change the more posts I read from you should I decide to , however my posts are not aimed at obtaining a response from you nor ever directed at you nor are they aimed at you and you forming a opinion in this instance incorrectly as to any motive or desire unless you decide to reply or comment on them and I decide to respond in kind.

Deliberately provocative ? You read me incorrectly Fog and with respect to request someone to cease because you may disagree albeit in this instance you are introducing a hypothetical and should that occur it in all likelihood won't have the type of consequence you are suggesting.

Others on here have been cancelled because they post detail that others either take offence to , disagree with often without explaining why and when they attempt do , do little else than virtue signal and I think you are above that however time will tell.

they plead with the mob to rid such posters which is as discriminatory , absurd and stupid as one can get given there is an ignore feature and people can make up their own minds Fog on what they think or how they wish to respond and often these same posters engage in using vile , virtuous , non-sensical and provocative language often in breach of COC but unfortunately it is the only way they can express their opinion when they decide to attack and in the main the MODS to little other than appease their wish.

I speak for no-one other than myself and neither do you.

As I have told others many times if you don't like the view , you are free to explain why and perhaps you don't regard Harris as dangerous because her role is well down the pecking order in your eyes and in your view not as stupid in itself derogatory and sexist or can be construed as such as a comment you accuse someone else of delivering because of partisan views.

I would never request of you to cease your time posting on this thread despite your previous comments that you are growing tired of doing so and prefer to spend the time you have on other threads.

you have done it before Fog , you didn't learn much from the last time.

Food for thought Fog.
I quite enjoyed this :)
I thought this was an interesting exercise in deflection. Busy blaming anyone other than a Democrat when asked a specific question...

Funny to pick up on that rather than "You seem to get more criticism than any other VP, including Mike Pence"

I presume you mean her reluctance to blame Manchin for obstructing policies rather than the 50 Republicans.

It makes no sense though. "If Manchin can block all this, black people will not go out to vote and Trump will be president again."

Is that really really what you want? Why not turn out and get more Democrats elected and make Manchin a redundant pawn?
Funny to pick up on that rather than "You seem to get more criticism than any other VP, including Mike Pence"

I presume you mean her reluctance to blame Manchin for obstructing policies rather than the 50 Republicans.

It makes no sense though. "If Manchin can block all this, black people will not go out to vote and Trump will be president again."

Is that really really what you want? Why not turn out and get more Democrats elected and make Manchin a redundant pawn?

Hm, if you listen to the interview, rather than the selected point about Manchin (I'll come back to that) you'll notice within the deflection there's the avoidance of knowing the Dems should have tackled the water crisis (in Flint and similar places) when Obama was in power and especially his 'water drinking' stunt which turned a lot of Black voters off his in that area.

'Chokeholds', they are addressing now? But not when the Eric Garners of this world were murdered on camera and Obama said and did nothing about it under his tenure.

Of course, then there's the raising of minimum wage and better healthcare (drug pricing), all off which would have helped box out any future Rep drive (Trump's win) and solidified Dem tenure for the future.

I note people asking about Manchin, what has stopped Biden going after him, when he has for intents and purposes, sank the 'Build Back Better' bill after getting what he wanted first. This was open knowledge of what would happen, so what are the excuses for ignoring the obvious?

Harris is, apparently, losing staff key to keeping her afloat, especially the outgoing Simone Sanders who was seen on cam being the blocker, at the end.

You would have to ask why.

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