Kamala Harris

No problem. Let others make the decision for you and get what others think you deserve.
(Funny, but you don’t act like that’d be your cup of tea on here, but you tilt at your windmills as much as you want.)

Trump was a Democrat until he wasn’t and ran as a Republican. As such, he donated to Dems. Today, not so much.

Politics always made strange bedfellows and anyone who is naive enough to think they’ll all altruistic deserves a good slap across the head.

It's funny but you clearly read the words, but you don't absorb them.

"Let others make the decision for you and get what others think you deserve."

So, when I say "billionaires with agendas", what do you think I mean? These are the people that offer you, the voter, the choices they want, these days. So, right now, nothing is your decision and you get what they think you deserve anyway.

Look at the strangulation of political voices in the MSM in the US! Jill Stein gets zero time in the MSM and she's a legitimate candidate for the presidency for the Green Party. You could look at the UK and how it treated Jeremy Corbyn in comparison to the absolute buffoon of Boris Johnson.

If you can't understand the false choice offering that you are given to choose from, I can't help you as you don't want to understand the view I have. That's fine.

For me, Harris is being given the same coronation without legitimate challenge. Biden hasn't resigned, has he? He's not been slapped with the 25th amendment, has he...?? So, it should be a competition for the leadership. It isn't. It's a procession for someone who is fairly effective when she's scripted, but fucking awful when not and under pressure.

So, for me, neither Trump, Biden or Harris are suitable. Trump is less of a puppet than the others, but he'll still do as he's told (it seems JD Vance is a good example of that).

So, yeah, over all politics in the last 15-20 years that have kept the rich richer and wars ticking over have done for me.

You keep voting for these people, giving them a mandate to keep you less informed than you should be. I don't have to.

Going to work now, but I'm sure I'll keep reading the thread.
It's funny but you clearly read the words, but you don't absorb them.

"Let others make the decision for you and get what others think you deserve."

So, when I say "billionaires with agendas", what do you think I mean? These are the people that offer you, the voter, the choices they want, these days. So, right now, nothing is your decision and you get what they think you deserve anyway.

Look at the strangulation of political voices in the MSM in the US! Jill Stein gets zero time in the MSM and she's a legitimate candidate for the presidency for the Green Party. You could look at the UK and how it treated Jeremy Corbyn in comparison to the absolute buffoon of Boris Johnson.

If you can't understand the false choice offering that you are given to choose from, I can't help you as you don't want to understand the view I have. That's fine.

For me, Harris is being given the same coronation without legitimate challenge. Biden hasn't resigned, has he? He's not been slapped with the 25th amendment, has he...?? So, it should be a competition for the leadership. It isn't. It's a procession for someone who is fairly effective when she's scripted, but fucking awful when not and under pressure.

So, for me, neither Trump, Biden or Harris are suitable. Trump is less of a puppet than the others, but he'll still do as he's told (it seems JD Vance is a good example of that).

So, yeah, over all politics in the last 15-20 years that have kept the rich richer and wars ticking over have done for me.

You keep voting for these people, giving them a mandate to keep you less informed than you should be. I don't have to.

Going to work now, but I'm sure I'll keep reading the thread.
Oh, I “absorb” them!

However, what I don’t do is piss into the wind, scream into the abyss or tilt at windmills.

Unlike you, I live in the real world, where, as a peon with a vote, I vote for the best person in the race. Why would I do such a thing even though “billionaires” decided from whom I could choose? Because that’s the system and all the pissing, screaming and tilting in the world isn’t going to change that and ONE OF THEM is better than the other.

Oh wait, they all lie and all do the bidding of the billionaires!! Doh!

Color me stoopid, huh?

My eyes are wide open to the real world, even the seedy underbelly, but that doesn’t change the maths. ONE OF THEM WILL BE RULER OF THE BIGGEST, BADDEST MILITARY ON EARTH and will decide how the Government is used. I know which one I choose.


Jill Stein gets zero time in the MSM and she's a legitimate candidate for the presidency for the Green Party.

She’s the one that fucked Hillary and gave us Trump, just like Nader gave us Shrub over Gore, with the help of the Supremes!

Keep pissing into the wind, screaming into the abyss, and tilting at those windows…and much good may it do you.
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Not all the western media have been blocked.
The "internet wall" is like a black list. There are many sites not on the list.
Don't need any vpn.
View attachment 127270
View attachment 127271

As an educated person who converses fluently in at least two languages, why do you need a blacklist?

Surely you are capable of making up your own mind from the available evidence? Why do the CCP have to put a parental lock on your browser?

Can you access the independent websites that detail the crimes against the Uyghur population?
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Harris is a puppet of the deep state and will be worse than Biden. Just see her speech about the significance of the passage of time, its like a child wrote it
As an educated person who converses fluently in at least two languages, why do you need a blacklist?

Surely you are capable of making up your own mind from the available evidence? Why do the CCP have to put a parental lock on your browser?

Can you access the independent websites that detail the crimes against the Uyghur population?
The anti-China propaganda is too wild. Of course we need a wall! It's an attitude.
There is a wall, 100%. But VPN users are everywhere. Yes, it is illegal, but it is a "grey zone". One can easily find a vpn, pay 1 dollar a week, and access everything. 99.9% Chance no policeman pay any attention to you.
The Chinese government managed a balance between the individual freedom and the social stability. And that is appreciated by the general public.
All these things are a part of our culture. You know Chinese parents always want to impose strict discipline on their children. The way we view familiy affairs is similar to the way we view our country.
And every year, more than 100 million Chinese go abroad, travel, study, or bussiness trip. I don't think anything can be totally blocked.

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