Kamala Harris

It’s an old story from almost 20 yrs ago. He served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Right wingers said he was embellishing his service because he was not stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan, but in Italy! Plenty of people were sent to support the mission at Aviano.

I “served” the war effort, too. Never went to Iraq or Afghanistan, but I airlifted troops to and from their initial staging at Hahn, before they headed to the M.E. (Kuwait, IIRC). Never wore a military uniform, but we did MAC (Military Air Charter) flights in the 747 between the USA-Germany-Kuwait.

Under Trump, am I now a “loser,” or does the fact that I didn’t get shot down make me OK?!

That’s how stupidly pathetic this whole thing is! All they know is ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK, regardless of how stupid it sounds or how vulnerable they are to the same attack. They always want to put Democrats on the defensive so they are put in the position of having to answer their attacks, while Democrats have literally decided “No! This time, WE are going on the attack, because YOU are the ones who need to answer for your weirdness, Project 2025, your record from 2017-2021, and your complete lack of mainstream ideas for ACTUALLY making America what you think makes it great!!”

Strap in, because Harris & Walz are loaded for bear!
Talking of the Republicans' record from 17-21, in the run-up to the 2016 election, they were all over repealing the Affordable Care Act, probably because it was brought into law by a black man.

Eight years later, it’s still in place.
It’s a pathetic attempt to try to soil what he has achieved. It’s simple, his hard work, fortitude and commitment to service saw him to one of the highest positions in soldier service. With an impeccable record, this should be the last thing the MAGA/ GOP should be talking about.
Don’t worry, it’s going to turn off older Americans especially, and that’s their base.

Thankfully, my old Republican MIL & FIL (retired Air Force Academy Flight Officer) are so repulsed by Trump and what he stands for, they simply can’t vote for him. Oh, and that hasn’t changed from the last time, when he wasn’t a convicted felon yet, hadn’t taken the $10M from Egypt, etc…

I honestly don’t think Trump will get as many votes as he did when he won or lost! 20 million Boomers are dead and there are now 40 million new Millennials & Gen Z who are of voting age since he won in 2016.

He looks defeated. He sounds delusional. And, America has simply decided he’s not the Trump of old, he’s just old!
That’s a good map. I used to live right where the Haight, Cole Valley and the Castro meet. Went to high school in the outer Sunset. Still work in the Financial District but live across the GGB in Marin County. I drive across it 2x a day!
I never made it to the GGB for some reason (but it felt omnipresent, although less so than the Oakland Bay bridge).

By the way, my (genuinely) other favourite movie is Coppola's The Conversation. Also set in SF and centered on Union Square. On my second visit (with my ex) on the first night we bumped into the filming of Nash Bridges if anyone remembers that!

I'd imagine Marin County is an amazing place to live and I'd personally love that commute (my heart straddles big city vibes and beautiful countryside).
Don’t worry, it’s going to turn off older Americans especially, and that’s their base.

Thankfully, my old Republican MIL & FIL (retired Air Force Academy Flight Officer) are so repulsed by Trump and what he stands for, they simply can’t vote for him. Oh, and that hasn’t changed from the last time, when he wasn’t a convicted felon yet, hadn’t taken the $10M from Egypt, etc…

I honestly don’t think Trump will get as many votes as he did when he won or lost! 20 million Boomers are dead and there are now 40 million new Millennials & Gen Z who are of voting age since he won in 2016.

He looks defeated. He sounds delusional. And, America has simply decided he’s not the Trump of old, he’s just old!
Polls of independents moving heavily in favour of Harris. Trump is toast.
Talking of the Republicans' record from 17-21, in the run-up to the 2016 election, they were all over repealing the Affordable Care Act, probably because it was brought into law by a black man.

Eight years later, it’s still in place.
We are going to do 3 big things when Trump is President in 2025:

1) Repeal ObamaCare with something much bigger, better and cheaper. That plan will be out in about 2 weeks,

2) Have Infrastructure Week the first week,

3) Have Mexico finish building the rest of the Border Wall.

After FOUR LONG YEARS of telling us he was going all of these things, he accomplished NONE OF THEM, but he did take over women’s bodies and made money equal free speech, and thus allow billionaires to buy the SCOTUS he and the writers of Project 2025 built!

For context on just the Border Wall…

There is a 1,954 mile border. Before Trump came into office there were walls or barriers along 649 miles of it, mostly in and around the border cities and known crossing points.

Trump added 52 (yes, FIFTY TWO) miles of additional wall, after all of his bragging and bluster.

Quietly, Biden has added a further 20 miles in Yuma, AZ, a recent hotspot.

1,954 miles of Mexican border, 721 down only 1,233 miles to go.

If Trump is elected, at his previous new wall build rate, he will be done in 24 years, or SIX Presidential Terms! No wonder he wants to be President for life, because he’ll be dead before he gets 10% more built!!!
Marist poll of LIKELY VOTERS have her up by EIGHT POINTS!! Not sure I believe it’s that much, but I’ll take it!
Long ways to go.

How accurate are the polls. Who knows? Can I believe Trump is falling behind absolutely.

A big issue I see for Trump is that he has been rinsing his supporters for months. Trying to get the vibe up and get a lead in the polls and trying to get money. I sence exhaustion on there side. He just doesn't have good material and his rambling hours long speeches are getting really tired. And who knows where the money has gone.

On the Dems side. It all feels new. It is new and unexpected. And it has a genuine excitement to it.

I can only assume the polls will keep moving to the dems. And Trump's seems to react badly to losing ground and then responds in a self destructive way, so maybe a doom loop starting to emerge for him. But dems will never forget that Trump won from behind in 2016. So no complacency.
Long ways to go.

How accurate are the polls. Who knows? Can I believe Trump is falling behind absolutely.

A big issue I see for Trump is that he has been rinsing his supporters for months. Trying to get the vibe up and get a lead in the polls and trying to get money. I sence exhaustion on there side. He just doesn't have good material and his rambling hours long speeches are getting really tired. And who knows where the money has gone.

On the Dems side. It all feels new. It is new and unexpected. And it has a genuine excitement to it.

I can only assume the polls will keep moving to the dems. And Trump's seems to react badly to losing ground and then responds in a self destructive way, so maybe a doom loop starting to emerge for him. But dems will never forget that Trump won from behind in 2016. So no complacency.
The FBI reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails just days before the election didn’t help her cause, and gave the idiot a fillip.
It’s an old story from almost 20 yrs ago. He served in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Right wingers said he was embellishing his service because he was not stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan, but in Italy! Plenty of people were sent to support the mission at Aviano.

I “served” the war effort, too. Never went to Iraq or Afghanistan, but I airlifted troops to and from their initial staging at Hahn, before they headed to the M.E. (Kuwait, IIRC). Never wore a military uniform, but we did MAC (Military Air Charter) flights in the 747 between the USA-Germany-Kuwait.

Under Trump, am I now a “loser,” or does the fact that I didn’t get shot down make me OK?!

That’s how stupidly pathetic this whole thing is! All they know is ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK, regardless of how stupid it sounds or how vulnerable they are to the same attack. They always want to put Democrats on the defensive so they are put in the position of having to answer their attacks, while Democrats have literally decided “No! This time, WE are going on the attack, because YOU are the ones who need to answer for your weirdness, Project 2025, your record from 2017-2021, and your complete lack of mainstream ideas for ACTUALLY making America what you think makes it great!!”

Strap in, because Harris & Walz are loaded for bear!
Man, you've had some career, you must be so proud. Wouldn't be surprised if you wore a fedora and a bull whip. :)

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