Kamala Harris

Lots of giddy democrats, independents, actual conservatives who are appalled by the cult the GOP has become, educated citizens worldwide in the millions who aren't American but are frightened of the consequences of another Trump presidency, dozens of world leaders, normal people, the thousands Trump has fucked out of money owed by him, dozens in jail for doing his bidding on Jan 6 expecting a pardon before he stepped aside, and honest election officials of all stripes, at the moment, understandably so I guess when you look at their depressed state just a matter of weeks ago.

But the story is the same as it was after Biden's terrible debate performance: nothing is settled and there are three months to go. Anything can still happen. And probably will.
I/V with Steven Miller posted earlier (or in one of the related threads) stated that the Dems have changed the law so the VP's role is now ceremonial only, so, no, she can't.
But it's not mere law, it's the constitution:

The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted.

The VP is President of the Senate.

Mind you, from the rest of that section it sounds like the person who gets the next highest vote for President becomes the VP!
Long ways to go.

But dems will never forget that Trump won from behind in 2016. So no complacency.

Yes, indeed. Hillary didn’t even visit Wisconsin, a swing state, because they just didn’t “feel” the rise of MAGA.

Tbf, even Trump was surprised!

This time, he must (figuratively) be killed dead, ending MAGA as a political entity and turning it into a divisive Republican splinter group that is an anchor around their necks for a generation!
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Man, you've had some career, you must be so proud. Wouldn't be surprised if you wore a fedora and a bull whip. :)
Haha! Not quite. Like Indy, I’ve never brought a knife to a gun fight, but the whip belongs to my wife!

There is a special place in my heart for those who serve their country, be it my father and 3 grandfathers in the UK or the men and women with whom I have flown for my 29+ yrs of airline flying in the U.S. Nuff said.

My “service” is a joke compared to one day in their shoes.
When I was last in Texas, I had many conversations with those in green and a lot of them supported Trump because they said he supported the Armed Forces, while the Dem’s had turned away. Not sure if that was true but if it is the case, some of those will now be looking at the Walz attacks in a new light.
Trump’s comments about the military are getting new oxygen in the media since Vance brought up Walz’s service.

“Losers” and “suckers” is one thing, but refusing to be seen with injured servicemen, including amputees, because “it doesn’t make me look good” is about as Trumpian as it gets…

ME, ME, ME …and fucking ME!
Didn't fix the last paragraph?
Cuz I agree with it. Long way to go yet. Everyone on a sugar high at the moment but it's punch/counter-punch. Trump needs to paint her as not up to the task leadership-wise -- instead, he and the woefully unprepared morons he has left in his campaign (so many experienced hands have quit) are busy attacking her ethnicity and Walz's service record. But there's plenty of time for him to make headway on other fronts and regain his footing (though obviously I hope he doesn't, and Trump is such an indolent loafing dumbfuck he certainly won't put any work into crafting a new message). The "plan" is always to dump paint on opponents, and its always the same colo(u)r -- "radical left democrat"; it's never subtle nor strategic. It's all they have. That and waiting around for something bad somewhere on earth to happen so they can blame Harris for it.

Anyhow polls are a snapshot of sentiment in time, not a crystal ball, whoever is leading.
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