Kamala Harris

And if you step over the line you deserve to be criticised for it. Politics is grubby at the best of times, but comments like "emotional support" are damaging to more than just politicians.

Some of the absolute shit politicians come out with are astounding, and that's all sides. I'd be more worried about Kamala being the stooge of the ultra rich Americans than any insult thrown at her from anywhere.

IMHO if she were male she'd get 10 times worse specially in the race baiting capital of the world.
Like I said, I'm fairly sure a male politician in the same circumstances wouldn't face accusations of needing a crutch/ emotional support.

If you want to make out there's no misogyny there that's up to you. It's pretty clear to me.

"Fairly sure" about a male politician is not a fact, is it?

That's just your assumption/ opinion because of your reading of my post.

I find her a fairly weak politician underpinned that she dropped out of the original push to be Dem leader and Pres, by not even winning her own State, ffs. It's got FA to do with her being female.

Tw@ that Clinton is, she's a hardline politician that can stand on her own and has done before bringing in her running mate.

Is that a misogynistic opinion for you, Mr White Knight?
Some of the absolute shit politicians come out with are astounding, and that's all sides. I'd be more worried about Kamala being the stooge of the ultra rich Americans than any insult thrown at her from anywhere.

IMHO if she were male she'd get 10 times worse specially in the race baiting capital of the world.

Trump gets treated with kid gloves by the the left and right wing media compared to Harris.
I've not said they should pay more then they're expected too and I'm sure there are plenty that give to charity. What I'm against is the tax loopholes they'll jump through so they don't have to pay the tax they should pay. Like scruffy Jim fucking off to Monaco or salting your money away into the Cayman islands or Switzerland.
“Should pay”?

Sounds to me like there needs to be new legislation to both remove such LEGAL loopholes and have some kind of explanation of what people “should pay”!

In the absence of such, I think people should pay the minimum amount of tax they are legally forced to pay.

Btw, who decides “should”?
This is such a cop put. It's been a mantra of the DNC since Obama's tenure.

But, okay!
Not sure what a “cop put” is, but you seem to think legislation is thought about on Sunday and enacted on Monday!

44 days is a tiny window for the kind of legislative victories Obama won, but you keep tilting at those windmills….from almost 15 yrs ago!
"How billionaires use charity to avoid taxes?

Many charitable organizations set up by billionaires are tax-exempt, and charitable donations are tax deductible. You can completely control when to make a donation, and of what size, depending on how much taxable income you have in a given year; it's a nimble method of offsetting taxes."

There's always a reason for these things and there's loads of 'legal' ways to avoid taxes:

And Here are Just a Few Examples...
I stopped being worried you might actually have stumbled upon some revelation when you said “legal.”


Is “legal” a BAD thing now???

Don’t like it, change the laws! Until then, just follow the law!
"Fairly sure" about a male politician is not a fact, is it?

That's just your assumption/ opinion because of your reading of my post.

I find her a fairly weak politician underpinned that she dropped out of the original push to be Dem leader and Pres, by not even winning her own State, ffs. It's got FA to do with her being female.

Tw@ that Clinton is, she's a hardline politician that can stand on her own and has done before bringing in her running mate.

Is that a misogynistic opinion for you, Mr White Knight?
Yep, that's my assumption. I did offer you the chance to name the others that you would have referred to as emotional support or a crutch. You chose not to answer.

So I'll stand by my assumption, it's a pretty sound one.
Are you taking the piss? Both Biden and Trump get battered from all sides at times, haven't they both been accused of being nonces?

Kid gloves my arse.
I said in comparison to Harris.

If you can't see that despite everything Trump says and does the press are letting him get away with all sorts of shit (racism, sexism, flat out lies, slander and more), yet castigating Harris for the smallest thing, then you're blind.

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