Kamala Harris

No, it’s pointless to criticize him BECAUSE he’s a ****. Apparently Pol Pot, the Tories, General Pinochet and the 1975 Philadelphia Flyers were all cunts, so no need to criticize them either I guess.

Top notch Simpsons reference but it was their 1976 starting lineup
You can tell me all about the above if you want. Happy to discuss.

For balance we can also talk about flipflopping from Trump on abortion in recent days, Vance flip flopping on whether Trump was like Hitler or not and the lies coming out of the Trump campaign (election in November, we might not have enough time for that).

Happy to discuss them all, but let's discuss them all, not just focus on one side you don't like and ignore the other because we expect Trump to act like a **** so we shouldn't criticise him.

Can discuss, sure. Make the points relevant, though.

For Trump on abortion, I don't know. Is he okay to see a different position for the vote? Isn't that how politicians play the game?

Vance on calling Trump 'Hitler', that's on Trump for not vetting and picking him. It could also be that he doesn't care or Vance was picked for him. I've no clue and don't see the relevance of your point.

As for 'lies coming out of campaigns', is it not the same for both sides? Both are low value candidates and the US public are being made to choose between the two. The same here with low value offerings in leadership!
What, Trump can’t be criticised because he’s a ****?

Scary shit when you think about it. Murdering dictators, cannot criticise. Crazy despots, can’t criticise. Trump, absolute ****, get fucked that we cannot critique and criticise.

Well, let's start with your immediate lie using the word "can't".

Quote EXACTLY any post I used that word in relevance to any criticism.

I’ve no truck in this whatsoever. I find the whole process of election, the election canvassing and the two party choice of governance hilarious tbh.
If it wasn’t so serious to the rest of the world I doubt I’d take any interest at all. Just let y’all get on with it. Doesn’t fill me with any desire to even visit America seeing some of this shitshow.

But how or never. Criticise whoever you want and whatever policies you feel like picking on. I’d probably find myself agreeing, but…..,

Who are you voting for Bigga, st the end of the day. That’s all it comes down to in the end.

Hold off on the critiques. Who will you vote for. Don’t even give me a reason why.

Just who?

Edit: just regarding your response to the City v United analogy.
There is such a thing as an ABU.
I think it’s emerging in the US, that there is such a thing as an ABT.

It’s a valid choice too.

It's all about choice and I choose not to vote for any genocide supporting neolib or neocon. If I had the chance of voting for either with a knife at my throat, I still wouldn't.

Harris has plenty of faults I've already listed numerous times. Trump has faults everybody has listed. This 'Blue no matter Who' bullshit has led to the support of Israel's actions. Yeah, link the two. It's your choice to want the Trumps, Harris and Starmers of the world using your taxes to assist murder.

I don't have choice in it, but I won't push a vote in support of these people, no matter the benefits I might get from them.
It's all about choice and I choose not to vote for any genocide supporting neolib or neocon. If I had the chance of voting for either with a knife at my throat, I still wouldn't.

Harris has plenty of faults I've already listed numerous times. Trump has faults everybody has listed. This 'Blue no matter Who' bullshit has led to the support of Israel's actions. Yeah, link the two. It's your choice to want the Trumps, Harris and Starmers of the world using your taxes to assist murder.

I don't have choice in it, but I won't push a vote in support of these people, no matter the benefits I might get from them.
So you’re not voting?
No. I’ll leave you to “do your own research” on why.
No thanks.
I find it difficult enough to comprehend stuff like how my taxes are being used by Starmer, Harris and Trump for anything, let alone murdering people.

I think I’ve made it clear in here multiple times, where I’m coming from. ;-)

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