KDB or David Silva?

This is a tricky one, I dont ever recall Silva having a bad game, where there’s been times I’ve thought Kev needs subbing (usually games where his radar is a bit off) but then again maybe I’m looking back through Rose tinted specs.
I think they are both legends though.
Impossible question. They offered different things. Kev for cavalry charges downfield and exquisite, perfectly weighted, medium and long distance passes and stunning goals. Dave for incredible control in tight situations, enabling him to play right up on top of parked opposition buses, eye of the needle passes, never giving the ball away and incredible consistency. Dave will be my favourite ever City player until the day I die, but there’s no science to that preference. You’d could make just as good a case for Kev.
Our privilege to have watched the 4 greatest midfield players (in terms of filling their own unique roles) in PL history. Kev, Dave, Ya Ya, Ferna. Salute them all!
Both highly gifted players but different playing styles. Both worked well with each other in the same team under two different managers.
We got 100 points with both of them as our main cms (which is still the most underrated and genius thing Pep has ever done as a coach).

The answer will always be both, never a need to decide between them.
KDB for me, I literally feel like I’m watching a football god when he’s in full flow, like against Arsenal the other night. David Silva was great, but perhaps it’s the entertainment value from Kev that tips it.

The thing is he’s got it all, those powerful bursts of speed, passes that no other player on the planet makes regularly (not even Messi), good work rate and press ability. The complete midfielder and the best in the world, ever.
David Silva is the most beautiful footballer I've ever seen. I'd rather have Kev in the team. I say it everytime a player leaves but if Kevin leaves City without winning the Champions League then the world is a joke
Good words and each one correct.
I've thought about this question KDB vs Silva few times and everytime i struggled, it's like have to choose between your 2 children and being asked who you love more? So for me they're at par with one another in terms of stature in club's history regardless of how KDB ends up

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