Keir Starmer

On matters of conscience abstaining is a cowards choice and forcing your party to vote one way not holding a free vote is not only spineless but also undemocratically repugnent.

We know starmer has no backbone to be honest, but relies on not doong anything he thinks will rock the tory/loberal vote he needs

I am more dissapointed in our local MPs but not shocked Powell is a void of a person, Jeff Smith a waste of space and Raynor a hypocrite who has dissapointed the most by being spineless
I agree to some extent. Starmer was going to be criticised whatever his approach was. Whether it was on principle, like you and I have intimated, or on which side he backed.

Getting to be PM is his primary aim. Not being labelled X,Y and Z is probably the best way.
Him being a total wet fart might be labours undoing next year.
I mean, sunak is a wet fart too so the public will be deciding who is the lesser wet fart.

What a state we are in
Bloody Kier Starmer. All his fault this.

*shakes fist*

The Israeli army and a load of Islamist terrorists are shooting shit out of each other and if only Kier Starmer sent out a tweet to say he’d fancy a ceasefire then they’d all stop, sit down and have a nice cup of tea together and this whole thing would all be over. Thousands of years of conflicts resolved in an instant but he’s just choosing not to do it. What a useless bugger he is.

Instead it’s all this bloodshed. Kier could solve all the problems in the Middle East single-handedly and he’s choosing not to.

Jeremy Corbyn could’ve fixed all this I tell thee.
Him being a total wet fart might be labours undoing next year.
I mean, sunak is a wet fart too so the public will be deciding who is the lesser wet fart.

What a state we are in
His personal approval ratings are comparable to Howard and Duncan-Smith prior to their election defeats.

The only people that really seem to like him are Lib Dem voters.

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