Keir Starmer

Hypocracy examples: Made £50k profit fom her right-to-buy council houses and now says mouthing off about those who get “loads and loads of discount”; Vehement objection to Tories considering scapping WFA, now defending it; Vehement (and rightly so) condemnation of recent rioters, and failure to do so regarding Muslim disturbances in her constituency. Then there's the extremely "iffy" issue about which house was actually her main residence, whilst she's been constantly banging on about sleezy Tories. I could go on.

Do I think it's valuable about having someone at the heart of government whose lived experience is different from most politicians? Yes, in principle I do. But not her.

Yes, I've seen these very talking points in the Express, Harvey Jones I think, and then percolated out into other channels. Of course Rayner would argue for example that the WFA situation is not at Labour's door and that it's a bitter pill resulting from the delinquency of the previous government. She'd have similar rebuffs for pretty much everything you've levelled at her.

But that's not really my point. Taking a step back, none of these things strike me as a smoking gun for the level of character assassination and opprobrium that she in particular receives; especially relative to our recent political history and the collapse of standards in public life during the last few parliaments. I don't think I'm really any the wiser why she elicits the level of vitriol she does from certain quarters, but thanks for responding to my enquiry.
Yes, I've seen these very talking points in the Express, Harvey Jones I think, and then percolated out into other channels. Of course Rayner would argue for example that the WFA situation is not at Labour's door and that it's a bitter pill resulting from the delinquency of the previous government. She'd have similar rebuffs for pretty much everything you've levelled at her.

But that's not really my point. Taking a step back, none of these things strike me as a smoking gun for the level of character assassination and opprobrium that she in particular receives; especially relative to our recent political history and the collapse of standards in public life during the last few parliaments. I don't think I'm really any the wiser why she elicits the level of vitriol she does from certain quarters, but thanks for responding to my enquiry.
To repeat, she's a fake - deliberately using ultra coarse language and an uneducated accent to appeal to the working class vote and in doing so demeaning them. Nobody from a disadvantaged background should want their political aspirations for a more equal and better society characterised and exploited in that way.
To repeat, she's a fake - deliberately using ultra coarse language and an uneducated accent to appeal to the working class vote and in doing so demeaning them. Nobody from a disadvantaged background should want their political aspirations for a more equal and better society characterised and exploited in that way.

I don't disagree with your second sentence but is that actually what's happening?

Surely if she was putting on an accent and when the cameras were off sounded like Penelope Keith then the press would be all over it like a rash? Also I've heard some pretty course language in my time but I don't think I've heard her say anything that's made my jaw drop in terms of ultra course language, I suppose the 'scum' comment is the nearest I can think of but whilst not pleasant it's hardly ultra course.

What am I missing here?
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I don't disagree with your second sentence but is that actually what's happening?

Surely if she was putting on an accent and when the cameras were off sounded like Penelope Keith then the press would be all over it like a rash? Also I've heard some pretty course language in my time but I don't think I've heard her say anything that's made my draw drop in terms of ultra course language, I suppose the 'scum' comment is the nearest I can think of but whilst not pleasant it's hardly ultra course.

What am I missing here?
Boris lovers hate her, is my take.
I don't disagree with your second sentence but is that actually what's happening?

Surely if she was putting on an accent and when the cameras were off sounded like Penelope Keith then the press would be all over it like a rash? Also I've heard some pretty course language in my time but I don't think I've heard her say anything that's made my jaw drop in terms of ultra course language, I suppose the 'scum' comment is the nearest I can think of but whilst not pleasant it's hardly ultra course.

What am I missing here?
I think when you come from the background she does as I do, you know that we all make the effort to leave the unpleasantness associated with our upbringing behind as we make our way in life. Remember it of course along with all the positive parts, but don't repeat it.

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