Keir Starmer

They moved on to the grabbing because its this week. Both are getting mentioned. Its the order they came about. Some Tories will use these stories for their own ends, christ knows why but that's always been the case from both sides.

Sides is the main problem.

None of this is new. The only change is who is in power.
If it’s any consolation, should I win the lottery, I would offer to pay for Starner’s box in return for reintroducing the WFA.

Schrodinger’s lobbying.
Just so we know where you and your tag team partners are. Is there anything this Government has done since coming into power that have improved things - anything?


Renters bill
Sorting out the strikes
Binning off Rwanda.
Getting the riots under control.
Exclusion zones around abortion clinics

Off the top of my head…and they will do a lot more.
Says you is ironic. You crossed the line in your “debating” style this morning. Hence you got dotted.

I have no interest in debating with your whilst you go on your mega insulting of anyone you deem to have the moral high ground over.
Why should people being dishonest be protected, I haven't attacked anyone who doesn't give it out on here.

I do post honestly and I accept I'm blunt. There are plenty of people I have never had a crossed word with on here. But the same posters seem to be forever at loggerheads with me. There is a reason for that.

If you honestly believe that constantly saying yeah but the Tories is not just a deflection from a biased poster who won't admit a wrong doing from 'his side' then just put me on ignore. I gave the Tories on here the same treatment.

We have been through this before, I don't post to change people minds, I post to either have a laugh or show the sheer hypocrisy and dishonesty in posters.
Why should people being dishonest be protected, I haven't attacked anyone who doesn't give it out on here.

I do post honestly and I accept I'm blunt. There are plenty of people I have never had a crossed word with on here. But the same posters seem to be forever at loggerheads with me. There is a reason for that.

If you honestly believe that constantly saying yeah but the Tories is not just a deflection from a biased poster who won't admit a wrong doing from 'his side' then just put me on ignore. I gave the Tories on here the same treatment.

We have been through this before, I don't post to change people minds, I post to either have a laugh or show the sheer hypocrisy and dishonesty in posters.
All that can be true whilst also coming across as condescending. You’ve seen it isn’t just me that has thought that this morning. Whether you’re arsed by that or not is your business.

What is doesn't do is get the thread anywhere.
Yes it’s ridiculous.
Although technically he probably hasn’t broken any rules because it’s all been declared and it remains to be seen whether any influence has been bought, Starmer’s been incredibly naive if he thinks that accepting multiple gifts wasn’t going to come back and bite him on the arse. It should have been obvious to him that accepting that level of freebies at the same time as calling out the Tories for doing similar was not going to be ignored.

The point being made summed up perfectly.

Why some feel they just can’t accept this I have no idea?

Scrap that, I do know why lol

Renters bill
Sorting out the strikes
Binning off Rwanda.
Getting the riots under control.
Exclusion zones around abortion clinics

Off the top of my head…and they will do a lot more.
On the exclusion zone around abortion clinics , there was an interview on yesterday with some religious nutter who stands outside such places. He believes even if a woman is raped she shouldnt have the right to abort.
You cant reason with people like that
All that can be true whilst also coming across as condescending. You’ve seen it isn’t just me that has thought that this morning. Whether you’re arsed by that or not is your business.

What is doesn't do is get the thread anywhere.
The thread for various reasons isn't going anywhere. The fact is you and another poster who did see his arse big time actually discussed how Starmer got it wrong.

So answer me this please take these two scenarios

One - Starner cocks up, his supporters even admit he cocked up, flames put out we all move on.

Two - Starmer cocked up his supporters deny, deflect add whataboutery in almost every bloody post it it goes round and round and round.

Why is it me who is somehow having to adjust my behaviour? Why are the posters who cause situation Two getting a pass.

It's very straightforward if someone posts in good faith then I'm as nice as nice can be, however if they are dishonest they deserve to be taken to task on it. Don't be dishonest it's pretty simple.

I said before we don't partake in right and wrong anymore it's just a game of whose the worst. I'm not apologising for wanting people to be honest.

It's a football forum there is no reason no to, if someone tries to insult my intelligence they ain't getting hugs and kisses. That's just the way I am. I didn't know being truthful was such a problem. It's all a bit depressing.

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