Well thats me started again. I lost 2 1/2 stone in 3 months in 2019. Then piled it all back on when I came off it.
looking forward to my first weigh in next Saturday.

Congratulations to all of you who have done this diet and succeeded. I have read all pages on this thread and I am re inspired.
Currently smashing the insanity workout with Keto and Omad combined for a final shred.

Wont be fooking long now!

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Lost three stone now in five and half months , need a few more pounds to get into normal range( 3Ibs) and where i was four yrs ago when i did my shoulder and the weight gain started and to give myself some wiggle room when i start adding carbs back in (7Ibs, ten in total)

Absolutely comfy on keto
What’s a usual day look like food wise?
I am a veggie so it is very different to a meat eaters version and i dont eat eggs , also i am very picky eater

I eat twice a day with a 16/17 hr overnight fast

Breakfast is half a big pot of full fat plain greek yogurt , fresh berries , strawbs and blackberries my favs, a keto nut bar , that has about four different nuts in and that is a perfect balance of fat and protein and keeps me full till the afternoon

My tea is based on salad veggies and green veggies and i will add sausages or burgers , veg bake with full fat cheese and walnuts or seeds like pumpkin seeds

Sugar free jelly and a tablespoon of clotted cream

A meat eater needs to give you a idea of their menu so you can get a better picture

I was eating non stop junk , every time my hand was free i had junk food and heavy carbs like crumpets and jam in it , the first week or so on keto is a nightmare as you get rid of all the sugar and carbs but after that you get a clearer head and loads of energy , never feel hungry , it is very easy for me but long term can be difficult for some

Scroll down and it says what you eat and menu ideas


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