The key is how to manage it once you get to your target.

If you’re going to reintroduce carbs - which I do recommend as we do need them (just not to the levels some people eat them) - I’d say only go for wholewheat/wholegrain versions (higher in complex carbs, protein, fibre, iron, magnesium, and zinc, and gives a more steady release of sugars) and introduce physical activity or up your physical activity if you’re already doing some.
Agreed mate, I’d add veg, pulses legumes etc to start off with though and complex carbs (in small amounts) later.

Trick here Kaz is to start off with VERY small amounts over a period of a couple of weeks, like an extra 10 grams a day, monitor and see how you feel and any weight gain, bear in mind there will be quite a bit of water with that too.
The bigger picture is to aim for small increases over a long period of time whilst still monitoring how you feel and your weight.
Well done so far though .
Agreed mate, I’d add veg, pulses legumes etc to start off with though and complex carbs (in small amounts) later.

Trick here Kaz is to start off with VERY small amounts over a period of a couple of weeks, like an extra 10 grams a day, monitor and see how you feel and any weight gain, bear in mind there will be quite a bit of water with that too.
The bigger picture is to aim for small increases over a long period of time whilst still monitoring how you feel and your weight.
Well done so far though .
Thank you for the tips , i will start working out a meal plan in advance , truth is i am so comfy on my veggie version that i could continue a few more pounds then i have plenty of scope but i will see when i lose this last four pounds , i have found it so easy , i will keep on with the keto nut bars as i love them in yogurt with berries , it will be later in the day that i can look at more carbs

Been a great experience , i never had enough energy to do even the modest amount of excerse that i have been doing over these last few months , i was addicted to sugary carbs and junk , it has been amazing to get the energy , i feel this diet was made for me
Thank you for the tips , i will start working out a meal plan in advance , truth is i am so comfy on my veggie version that i could continue a few more pounds then i have plenty of scope but i will see when i lose this last four pounds , i have found it so easy , i will keep on with the keto nut bars as i love them in yogurt with berries , it will be later in the day that i can look at more carbs

Been a great experience , i never had enough energy to do even the modest amount of excerse that i have been doing over these last few months , i was addicted to sugary carbs and junk , it has been amazing to get the energy , i feel this diet was made for me
Sounds like a decent approach Kaz, just maintain protein requirements and slowly balance out the carb/fat calorie requirements you have ie 4 for carbs, 9 for fats, take into consideration any alcohol at 5 calories (not 7, as 2 are from Eritheytol, which is a carb the body can’t use).
All sounds a bit anal but for some people it’s really important to get these things spot on, others have a bit more leeway.
Sounds like a decent approach Kaz, just maintain protein requirements and slowly balance out the carb/fat calorie requirements you have ie 4 for carbs, 9 for fats, take into consideration any alcohol at 5 calories (not 7, as 2 are from Eritheytol, which is a carb the body can’t use).
All sounds a bit anal but for some people it’s really important to get these things spot on, others have a bit more leeway.
I absolutely want to get it right so thanks
Lost four stone exactly

Took over four years to put it on and took seven months and twenty four days to lose it

Taking all the tips above on board

Going to round it off to ten stone (5'6) four more pounds and in the mean time plan to maintain and reducing fat whilst increasing carbs , first thing is baked beans !
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I might give it a go. Every time I drop carbs, I lose about a stone in two weeks?

I just get bored of chicken and raw spinach!
I have been doing a veggie version , i dont eat meat , fish or eggs , was a bit difficult to sort out a plan but it can be done , the difficult part is coming off it without rebounding weight wise , being on it i have found really easy

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