Kevin Parker .

i see the old womens gossiping hanging crew are on tonite... fuck em kev you dont av to justify yourselve to this lot.. i bet most dont even know you...and ive seen many a city fan over a period of time commenting on different issues on tv an in press making out its the opinion of city fans an i dont see any judge an jury then....
Kevin's always struck me as a decent bloke who has the best interests of the club at heart and who speaks a lot of sense. Whenever i've seen him interviewed he's given a good account of himself.

Most City fans i know have ran out of patience with Robinho, and i'd say with certainty that at least 50% are now happy to see him move on and accept that the transfer hasn't worked out, though his first season was moderately successful in my opinion, given he played in a new league, not always in his natural position, and in a mediocre side.

Of course Kevin can't speak for everyone, but i'd rather listen to him than some of those Sky have a habit of tracking down for soundbites, not just outside our ground but throughout the country. He's well-spoken, presentable, a huge fan of the club, and in my opinion talks more sense than any other 'public voice' we have. I'm happy enough for him to speak for me, even if some of you aren't.
Kevin I see you at most away games although I don't let on or anything. Apart from the earing I don't have any issue with you, you're a true blue like most on here. My issue is the things you say when speaking to the media. It's is clear to everyone that the gutter press have a huge anti-city agenda for several reasons at the moment which is why any blues asked to speak should just stop and think before saying yes or no. I've been asked twice over the last few months by a tv crew once at outside to Citystore and once at a home game. Both times I said no because at the moment they (the media) are only interested in the negatives said and if no negatives are said they'll just attempt to twist it. I know people struggle to say no to a chanceof being on tv, why I don't know. Now unless you say something that fits the agenda sky sports news or whoever are going with then it'll just be binned. The truth is if they get 30/40 blues on camera then they'll get at least 3 or 4 saying what they want which will, at the moment be anti-Robinho or anti-City etc!

Next time you get asked Kevin remember you can say no to them and maybe even tell them a few home truths and I'd say that goes for all us blues.
That fella is an absolute toucan of the highest order. Toothless and spineless in every way to safe guard his little perks - and yes I have had dealings with him so my opinion is based on my experience.

How bloody dare you suggest the opinion you've spouted is the same as the majority of Blues. Where's your evidence that is the case? Have you conducted a survey of at least 51% of all Blues? No, thought not.

Remember the opprobrium heaped upon that Heidi half wit for coming out with a similar statement some years ago?

Spout all the opinions you want, but none of you speak for me, only I do (unless you have my express, written permission to do so).
Most here are as BAD as the press- Kevin has stated he only sported HIS views but this has been twisted- bloody hell- if he said "I'm really pleased with Robinho and the team in general, and that we are on course for a great season" mmmmm Really interesting for the guttersnipes-Not.
However, when further questioned his answers have been blurred, editd and probably slightly misquoted.
I don't know what Heidi said, maybe I should email her TOO !
Yes, I gave Kevin the heads up on this thread
Emailed Kevin to give him the heads up? Have you heard yourself. I'd be amazed if he gave a toss.

However, back to the point... saying most City fans etc - quantify it Mr Parker.

The majority of City fans I know and have had conversations with about Robinho have said unequivocally that whilst he lacks some of the hard work you'd want from a footballer, some of the sublime skill he has shown has often been worth the admission fee and do not want to see him leave.

Now I do not claim that to be the opinion of the majority of City fans, just the ones I've spoken with.

What I object to is people who make ludicrous claims that "the majority of City fans..." this, that and the other.
Prestwich_Blue said:
I have to defend Kevin here. Like him, I've made a number of media appearances on behalf of City fans and you simply cannot stop the media being selective or twisting what you say into something that suits their agenda.

Also, the media have a limited number of contacts and tend to use them. So getting at anyone like Kevin or Dave Wallace for always being "the voice of City fans" in the media is also unfair as they are the ones who get rung up. As an individual he has the right to decide whether he wants to comment and what he wants to say. But the media always like a title so he's always shown as OSC secretary. But some on here are just as guilty as twisting things as the media.

FWIW I also think that the OSC has been used in the past to peddle the club line but that was mostly under Mackintosh & Tyrrell. The club does them a favour and they do the club a favour. That's the way it works and sometimes you have to factor that in.

I also have issues with the way the OSC operates but that's nothing to do with Kevin personally or what he says to the media. However I have to take issue wth this:

Kevin Parker on the BBC said:
"Hopefully, win, lose, or draw the City fans will uphold the reputation of the football club and hopefully the United fans will do the same."
Personally I would hope that the rags DON'T uphold their normal reputation.

Taking a quote from Prestwich Blue.(hope you don't mind?)

What favours do the club do for the OSC?

(As certain OSC members either get extra Carling Cup tickets or free Carling Cup final tickets and stuff them into their pockets) Not you of course Kevin. (cough!)
strongbowholic said:
Emailed Kevin to give him the heads up? Have you heard yourself. I'd be amazed if he gave a toss.

However, back to the point... saying most City fans etc - quantify it Mr Parker.

The majority of City fans I know and have had conversations with about Robinho have said unequivocally that whilst he lacks some of the hard work you'd want from a footballer, some of the sublime skill he has shown has often been worth the admission fee and do not want to see him leave.

Now I do not claim that to be the opinion of the majority of City fans, just the ones I've spoken with.

What I object to is people who make ludicrous claims that "the majority of City fans..." this, that and the other.
So why did he join Bluemoon TODAY to respond?
Ooooo! Better hide behind my sofa then. Big bad Kev's on the board.

Give your head a wobble son.

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