Kevin Parker .

The problem with the situation is, with people like Kevin and Dave Wallace, that the media just want a fans opinion, and it doesn't always reflect the majority of opinions. They are just after 'an' opinion to put in quotes to make it look like the paper/website/channel/station are in touch with the fans and the word on the street. Quotes make stories worth reading, and if they can't get an official statement from the club, they'll go to the fans for a quote.

Unfortunately you can't hold a straw poll amongst all City supporters to ask their view on a certain topic then nominate someone to voice those views. Once the media have the contact details for a person, they will use it for opinions. Obviously it was Dave Wallace a few years ago, and now the media seem to always ask Kevin. It's not exactly a well thought out science, choosing these people will simply be a matter of "We need a City fan on, who's number have we got? Right, ring em". But someone's got to answer the call, and fair play to people like Kevin, Dave and others who will put themselves in the spotlight and answer the questions.

I find it unfair that people like Kevin and Dave Wallace get slated for voicing their opinions, because they're just offering an opinion on topics when asked. If they rang me up and asked for example should be buy our stadium, I'd say no. But I think the majority of people would say we should. I wouldn't claim to speak for the majority of fans, just answering a question.
Ive just read the comments and must admit I am disapointed by them. I hope you didnt make the comments stating he only plays well "When the weather is not too bad" as that is just a cheap jibe at a player who has only spoken positively about the club and deserves a bit more respect than that.

I am sure your opinions are highly sought after, however you are either kidding yourself are being very naive to think they are not being used to represent the opinion of the City Fans. It would be interesting to know what you actually said as personally I dont think a chairman of a city supporters club should criticise a current city player in this way.
I have to defend Kevin here. Like him, I've made a number of media appearances on behalf of City fans and you simply cannot stop the media being selective or twisting what you say into something that suits their agenda.

Also, the media have a limited number of contacts and tend to use them. So getting at anyone like Kevin or Dave Wallace for always being "the voice of City fans" in the media is also unfair as they are the ones who get rung up. As an individual he has the right to decide whether he wants to comment and what he wants to say. But the media always like a title so he's always shown as OSC secretary. But some on here are just as guilty as twisting things as the media.

FWIW I also think that the OSC has been used in the past to peddle the club line but that was mostly under Mackintosh & Tyrrell. The club does them a favour and they do the club a favour. That's the way it works and sometimes you have to factor that in.

I also have issues with the way the OSC operates but that's nothing to do with Kevin personally or what he says to the media. However I have to take issue wth this:

Kevin Parker on the BBC said:
"Hopefully, win, lose, or draw the City fans will uphold the reputation of the football club and hopefully the United fans will do the same."
Personally I would hope that the rags DON'T uphold their normal reputation.
There all vaild points Prestwich Blue, but as you have highlighted the media do twist things, they also like a title to make it representative of the fans and just as you know this, I would imagine Kevin would be aware of it also.

Some of those comments I would be disapointed to hear on this website, let alone stated to a media outlet. The club and Robinho in particular have been criticised continuously by the press of late. As fans of the club we should be pulling together, and supporting players such as robinho because regardless of what anyone thinks he is still a Manchester City player. So I dont understand why a representative of the supporters club would give the press more ammunition to write negatively about the club
When the OS does vox pops before a game and speak to say five or six people, do those comments represent the views of the club?

Sky, the BBC, our own OS can choose to speak to a handful of supporters in a vox pop style or they can go to Kevin. If they're lazy, they'll go to Kevin. If they want a wider view, they'll stop fans and speak to a number of them.

Either way, I don't get upset when Kevin (who usually speaks very well and represents himself well) or any other fan says something I don't agree with. Take a look at this forum? You can't speak for City fans. We're a strange bunch who fight among ourselves more often than not. Opinions are varied about every player and every situation the club finds themselves in.

Whether you agree with him or not, the fact he might wear an ear-ring and dye his hair is absolutely none of our business, is it?
Didnt he 'leave' his position at the club a few years ago.........

gagiesotherhalf said:
As an employee of MCFC surely he isn't entitled to be spouting this kind of stuff, or am I incorrect in my assumptions....Ms Kloss is surely the one to be putting out statements.

And no, Mr Parker, I sure don't agree with you and you don't appear to be the voice of MY opinion. So please don't speak on behalf of many tens of thousands of people. Thanks.
Clearly the comments made have caused a fuss which was not the intention. I have been speaking to the media for many years now and have always been careful to ensure the good name of the supporters and the club are maintained. Even when supporters have had different opinios they have commented on this to me. What advantage would there be in slagging off a player, especially this week. The last thing I woudl want to do is give any ammunition to the other lot
For clarification

I haven't worked for MCFC in over 4 years

I do not dye my hair (who would dye their hair grey ?)

The ear-ring went some time ago

I have had a season ticket since 1973 so have suffered the pain and enjoyed the pleasure of City like the rest on here. I love this Club and all it represents
General said:
Clearly the comments made have caused a fuss which was not the intention. I have been speaking to the media for many years now and have always been careful to ensure the good name of the supporters and the club are maintained. Even when supporters have had different opinios they have commented on this to me. What advantage would there be in slagging off a player, especially this week. The last thing I woudl want to do is give any ammunition to the other lot
Kevin, there are some on here who can start a fight in an empty room so take a lot of what is said with a pinch of salt- there are also some of the other lot that throw spurrious comments to kick off an argument.
General said:
Clearly the comments made have caused a fuss which was not the intention. I have been speaking to the media for many years now and have always been careful to ensure the good name of the supporters and the club are maintained. Even when supporters have had different opinios they have commented on this to me. What advantage would there be in slagging off a player, especially this week. The last thing I woudl want to do is give any ammunition to the other lot

Even as an "Official" spokesman can you not at times say "No Comment" to stop fuelling the media to make up more bullshit about us?

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