Kiev ban over turned

I've seen one online firm that is offering the money but at 31 to the pound rather than 37, and it also said ring to check for availability

Reckon it will work out better to take whatever hit your bank lump you with for an ATM withdrawal, you'll get rinsed on the exchange rate over here imo.
I'm thinking the same, that's almost a 12% charge

The tricky part will be gauging how much you're gonna need, as I'm sure most people won't want to make more than 1 withdrawal, but equally you don't wanna be stuck with a load of excess currency that might be tricky to change back (keep any receipts, people!). On a similar note, I'd certainly inform your bank that you're going to Kiev if you do plan on using your card over there, otherwise they might well block the account if they see random transactions from the Ukraine!
The tricky part will be gauging how much you're gonna need, as I'm sure most people won't want to make more than 1 withdrawal, but equally you don't wanna be stuck with a load of excess currency that might be tricky to change back (keep any receipts, people!). On a similar note, I'd certainly inform your bank that you're going to Kiev if you do plan on using your card over there, otherwise they might well block the account if they see random transactions from the Ukraine!
Had considered warning the bank after reading about it on tripadvisor, the difficulty is knowing how much to take/withdraw
I believe it's relatively cheap but I have expensive tastes, lol
Had considered warning the bank after reading about it on tripadvisor, the difficulty is knowing how much to take/withdraw
I believe it's relatively cheap but I have expensive tastes, lol

If it's as cheap as people say (40p a pint, £7 for a 30 min airport taxi), and your hotel is already paid for.....£50 a day?! I really don't know haha perhaps those heading over on the Tuesday can do us Wednesday travellers a favour and let us know how much essential items (beer, food) cost :)

Yeah I'd deffo just give your bank a heads up. I'm with Nationwide and they are usually good for this stuff; they advise to use your card in the airport before you fly, and I've never been blocked abroad, but this is Ukraine, so I've left a note on my web banking file that I'm in Kiev from 24th-26th.
Anyone been able to sort out Ukrainian currency from over here?
ATM at airport,plus all major hotels exchange your money.
We exchanged ours last time in the hotel Ukraine.
Weve booked a minivan from the airport,paying in Euros and all other taxis will take euros as payment if you cant find an Atm in the airport.
Don' t exchange to much money as you wont need that much,50/100 pounds goes along way in Kiev,and make sure you change your moneyback over there

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