Kiev ban over turned

I should be kicking myself for reading this thread. I spent my Kiev money going to Malaga a couple of weeks ago because I had no idea the ban would be overturned.
I'd really recommend the Euro aways mate. They're the best bit about supporting City these days in my opinion. Danger is you get the buzz and all the sudden you're going to every one and its costing you a fortune. Some would say its a price worth paying though.

The match is at the Olympic Stadium yes, but by the sounds of it there's a lot of City fans in Hotel Ukraine so if you're wanting to tag along with others you might be better finding something around Independence square.

that's very helpful, thanks. I'll look into it.
"Into the valley of death rode the 600"

Last time I looked the ticket office were selling row 9, 400-450 of us, so we might be a couple of company's short
"Into the valley of death rode the 600"

Last time I looked the ticket office were selling row 9, 400-450 of us, so we might be a couple of company's short
Good look pal it's too cold here for me!!! Never mind Kiev !!!
Do Chelsea and Wembley instead !
To anyone worried about landing without currency. There is an atm in arrivals hall, also most taxis will take, pounds, dollars and euros. I recent years I have never taken local currency ( except euros ) while traveling. Use atm you always get better exchange rate, even allowing for charges. Secret is to take biggest amount you think you'll need. No idea where £7 for a taxi comes from. I have mate married to a Ukrainian and he said book before you get there.He recommended this . will charge 20 USD
To anyone worried about landing without currency. There is an atm in arrivals hall, also most taxis will take, pounds, dollars and euros. I recent years I have never taken local currency ( except euros ) while traveling. Use atm you always get better exchange rate, even allowing for charges. Secret is to take biggest amount you think you'll need. No idea where £7 for a taxi comes from. I have mate married to a Ukrainian and he said book before you get there.He recommended this . will charge 20 USD

A taxi to the centre of Kiev costs about 250 UAH. However, if you make a reservation in advance it may be cheaper....

According to today, 250 UAH is £ does sound rather cheap tbh, perhaps too cheap!
Made the decision last week that I couldn't justify the cost of Chelsea and Kiev away on top of a trip to Wembley and I stuck to that - until this morning. So now I'm going to Chelsea, staying over Sunday night, out to Kiev from Gatwick on Monday, back Thursday then back down to Wembley on Sunday. WTF, all the times I've wished I could go places but couldn't because of work, money, kids whatever, now I've got the opportunity I'm taking it! Staying at the Hotel Rus with it being close to the stadium, look forward to meeting up with any Blues out there.
Made the decision last week that I couldn't justify the cost of Chelsea and Kiev away on top of a trip to Wembley and I stuck to that - until this morning. So now I'm going to Chelsea, staying over Sunday night, out to Kiev from Gatwick on Monday, back Thursday then back down to Wembley on Sunday. WTF, all the times I've wished I could go places but couldn't because of work, money, kids whatever, now I've got the opportunity I'm taking it! Staying at the Hotel Rus with it being close to the stadium, look forward to meeting up with any Blues out there.
Haha good lad!

I'd be doing the same if I hadn't just bought a house! I think there will be a surprising number of latecomers on this trip. People will get more and more enticed the longer it's on sale!

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