Kyle Walker newspaper story

I dunno why people take it so personally when this sort of stuff occurs. Kyle Walker isn't your son or your brother. He is a millionaire footballer, and he would most probably step over you if you were face down in the street. In a few years from now, you'll barely recall his name.

You have no control or influence over anything that a city player does. Let the people who employ him, deal with him. It is not your burden to get all hot and bothered about.

Stick to the football, and let the tabloids roll around in the gutter.
Remind us who you support.
Next time he does it, it might be in front of a bunch of school children

Next time he might dip it in the guacamole at the church fête.

What's the world coming to, when you can't get your cock out in public? It's political correctness gone mad!
Some men… and some women. Some women have filthier minds and mouths and actions than some men.

A girl started wanking me off in my pants in the chill out room of a club once. I never asked her to and didn’t even really consent to it but was fucked so just went along with it for a bit. It was an uncomfortable experience to be honest but there were as many women who sat and watched us as men, and as many of each who walked out.
A penal ty notice sounds a bit excessive.
I suppose if someone was found pissing on my car, I'd tell em serves them right if they received a PND, but yes it seems a bit extreme.

However, much of the law is interpretation. Pissing in public is unlawful, but if you're making every attempt to conceal your beef stick, what more can you do? \0/

Scenario: You're on a night out making a twat of yourself & two officers ask you to pipe down. You start getting lippy with the Dibble, but say & do nothing they can arrest you for. You stop & ask them to hang fire as you go round the corner to relieve yourself in a shop doorway.

By the letter of the law your act is unlawful, & normally most coppers wouldn't be bothered. However, because you were being a smarmy twat to the police moments before, they nick you for public indecency, but the real reason was revenge for you being a twat.

Often not, the police seriously couldn't be arsed with the paperwork of you pissing somewhere & it's hardly the crime of the century, so unless there's a complaint, they'll turn a blind eye. That's my experience of the law in cases like this.
Don't really care how he's been playing, we're already in the spotlight for everything that goes on around the club. The judgement is piss poor - at best.

Yeah I do hope he's charged, you'd be happy to see a bloke swinging his dick around in public if you were out with family eh?? Hhhmmm
So you've seen a video of Kyle Walker "Swinging his dick around in public" near families hey? :-/
So who can complain? Me & you who weren't there & who've only seen the edited footage on the Sun online?

Well you could if you wanted to, no point though, they’d just say they’re aware of it.

The police are just investigating it remember.
Well you could if you wanted to, no point though, they’d just say they’re aware of it.

I think anyone looking to complain about this because they clicked on the video or simply read the article needs to have a really long look at themselves in the mirror and wonder where their life went wrong.

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