Kyle Walker newspaper story

Sexual Offences Act 2003 says

(1)A person commits an offence if—​
(a)he intentionally exposes his genitals, and​
(b)he intends that someone will see them and be caused alarm or distress.​
So there must be more to this story than a bloke having a piss behind a church. Also since when do police officers patrol behind churches?
I notice the word 'and'. So if he didn't intend to cause alarm or distress, and nobody was alarmed or distressed,then its not an offence?
Mate, if it was printed in the Sun yesterday, they'll have had it since Monday at the latest. It's only yesterday that the police & City have became aware of the accusations, & today that the police stated they'll investigate. But in the fart stream of Wayne Couzens last week, what else could the police do? Ignore it? \0/

No one else outside of the two women concerned saw Walker's knob. Unfortunately it was caught on the bar's CCTV, but again why is it in the public domain if there's been no complaint?

Someone spotted Walker's faux pas on CCTV & the pound signs went chi-ching with £ symbols rolling round their bulging, bloodshot eyes.

The approached The low grade news comic The Sun, who rushed to publish the revelation. It seems it's at this point Sun readers have been asking "So what are the police gonna do about it?", so the police feel compelled to investigate.

Like I said earlier, if this footage was of Kyle Williams from Duckinfield, no one would have heard squat about this. It's in the news NOT because it's newsworthy, it's because it involves Superstar Millionaire City & England footballer Kyle Walker.

Would you be as arsed if it involved Kyle Williams of Duckinfield who plays right back for the Docker's Arms in the Countax Tractors League? \0/
Ah ok sorry, to be fair I didn’t even consider it was before 2003 and it doesn’t surprise me the laws were more prudish whenever the previous law was written.

He was definitely charged with indecent exposure as he showed us the charge sheet. Nobody in the pub could believe it. He went behind the church so he was out of sight, not much more he could have done except pee himself.
How would I know ? And anyway, why are you so worried about this ? It's his behaviour that needs calling out.
To be honest mate, it's your behaviour I find more worrying.

The facts: Kyle Walker was caught on CCTV flashing his knob to two female friends... And?

Yes it's an idiotic thing to do, but that's about it. Now, if either of the women come forward claiming mental & emotional damage because they saw Kyle's chopper, then that's different.

As it stands, the police have been forced to act simply because someone sold the footage to the trashy Sun & it appeared in the public domain. So far, that's it... \0/
He was fined and bound over. Personally if I was him I would have legged it, the woman was on her own I'm sure he would have outrun her and disappeared into the estate. No CCTV back then so even if she caught up with him later he could have denied it was him.
You'd think the fuckin police would have something better to do with their time! #UnFuckinBelievable :-/
I dunno why people take it so personally when this sort of stuff occurs. Kyle Walker isn't your son or your brother. He is a millionaire footballer, and he would most probably step over you if you were face down in the street. In a few years from now, you'll barely recall his name.

You have no control or influence over anything that a city player does. Let the people who employ him, deal with him. It is not your burden to get all hot and bothered about.

Stick to the football, and let the tabloids roll around in the gutter.

It's called having an opinion - which you don't share.

No problem, just ignore it .
To be honest mate, it's your behaviour I find more worrying.

The facts: Kyle Walker was caught on CCTV flashing his knob to two female friends... And?

Yes it's an idiotic thing to do, but that's about it. Now, if either of the women come forward claiming mental & emotional damage because they saw Kyle's chopper, then that's different.

As it stands, the police have been forced to act simply because someone sold the footage to the trashy Sun & it appeared in the public domain. So far, that's it... \0/
My behaviour ? Posting to an online forum about the club I've supported all my life compared to someone exposing his genitalia in a public bar in Wilmslow ? You can fuck right off with that shit.
Next time he does it, it might be in front of a bunch of school children, so think on. The pissed up twat probably wouldn't be aware of who was present in any case. Never mind, he'd be able to call on you as a character witness, no doubt.
Let's hope he wises up before it happens again.

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