Kyle Walker newspaper story

Jeez - sometimes I despair of the human race.

Most 'normal' blokes don't even see that kind of behaviour to be able to do anything about it

I know its a rubbish defence but if you don't think like that as a bloke you sometimes can't imagine it
Back in the day my partner worked at a bar and one of the regulars pushed her head towards his cock and did a "while you're down there, love" joke. All the regulars went on strike when she barred him, and the landlord allowed him back so she eventually had to leave. I've worked in places where whisper networks operate about certain men, and some blokes, when hearing it about their mates, say he's not like that, or only joking, or means no harm. I think plenty of men cover for dodgy men, truth be told.
although some men might understand, many won't.

Yeah I completely agree with that.

It's just the idea of a single perspective for one gender and another for the other that I have a problem with. But I get that that wasn't what you meant by what you said.

You're completely right, not everyone is going to respond the same way and I completely get why it makes some feel really uncomfortable.

At the end of the day, that's why he's rightfully being called a moron.

But without malicious intent, I don't get why some are making this out to be something more than it is. Especially considering there's no evidence to suggest anyone was impacted negatively by it.
Flashing to women and harrassing them that way is a bad thing , women dont want it, dont like it and it is wrong
Apparently he arrived at the venue with the woman. They evidently know each other & as far as I'm aware, she's not the one who's complained.

The police have been alerted & are now investigating, purely because someone sought to make money out of the CCTV footage & embarrass Walker in the process.

Now if the two women with Walker, who he apparently "Flashed" to are found & say they were with him & they were all just having a drunken laugh, what then? \0/
Paper will already have bought up the girls.

No doubt under quotes Walker disgusted me and I feel sorry for his missus, I didn't know he was with somebody and had kids until I checked the internet...
I think he broke up with Annie a long time ago
I agree with your second paragraph, but although some men might understand, many won't.

The first sentence sums it up though - it's not about 'seeing a dick' that's the issue. It's the psychological intimidation behind the action which a woman is more likely to interpret negatively because of the aforementioned cultural biases. Although we can imagine how that must feel, we haven't experienced it because of our gender and therefore probably aren't best placed to understand it fully.
Never seen Jackie at a game over the decades?
Yeah I completely agree with that.

It's just the idea of a single perspective for one gender and another for the other that I have a problem with. But I get that that wasn't what you meant by what you said.

You're completely right, not everyone is going to respond the same way and I completely get why it makes some feel really uncomfortable.

At the end of the day, that's why he's rightfully being called a moron.

But without malicious intent, I don't get why some are making this out to be something more than it is. Especially considering there's no evidence to suggest anyone was impacted negatively by it.
Yeah, I agree.

It is the type of thing that a lot of us on here have probably done with our mates over the years and treated as harmless banter. Each incident is different and you're right in saying this huge, lapse in judgement doesn't make Walker a Fritzel does it.

But it's still properly weird behaviour and I think people are right to call him out on it.

The police shouldn't waste their time on it (unless someone who he flashed has reported it). The dread he must feel right now with the headlines is probably a harsher punishment in itself.
Yeah I completely agree with that.

It's just the idea of a single perspective for one gender and another for the other that I have a problem with. But I get that that wasn't what you meant by what you said.

You're completely right, not everyone is going to respond the same way and I completely get why it makes some feel really uncomfortable.

At the end of the day, that's why he's rightfully being called a moron.

But without malicious intent, I don't get why some are making this out to be something more than it is. Especially considering there's no evidence to suggest anyone was impacted negatively by it.
Because people live for making things more than they are these days.

People who have a lot of short term relationships or one-night stands are starting to be called ‘predators’ in America. A lot of attitudes are proper fucked up these days.
im a bloke, and id say around 20years whilst i was making a phone call in a public phonebox, a bloke was stood outside and he exposed his erection too me and proceeded to wank himself in front of me. And i have to admit, it was a fucking horrid experience. He stood there with a big grin on his face. Bloody scared me if im honest.
I dread too think how women feel when they are exposed to that kind of shit.
That sounds like an absolutely horrendous experience so I'm not surprised it scared you. What a wrongun!

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