Lescott + more

ToffeeAndy said:
TonyM said:
ToffeeAndy said:
... this was preceeded by Robinho stating he was happy to have signed for "chelsea" during his unvailing at a press conference for City (how embarrasing!).

Andy, I had some respect for you from your previous posts but it's in danger of disappearing with this comment. Do you really think that Robinho didn't know who he was signing for? If so you are just another media sheep. The lad was barracked by journalists thirsty for blood when he shocked the world and joined our "project" and IMO it was little surprise that he made a slip of the tongue (which he quickly corrected with his trademark giggles). He's happy at City and despite what people think he's intelligent enough to know that a club with money needs willing to buy their way to the top have to start somewhere.

If you want some respect (from me at least) and people not to simply ignore your posts try not to jump on the stereo type bandwagons. Thanks.

Sorry I might not have been totaly clear here. I wasn't suggesting he didn't know what club he was playing for, just that to the outside world at that moment it made a lot of people laugh. It gave the impression (rightly or wrongly) that his heart has been set on the move to Chelsea and he didnt really know what was going on.

Yeah the media may have made it out to be more then it was, but just at that moment everyone kind of cringed and laughed in that kind of way you do if someone falls over in the street and hurts themselves. It was embarrasing even if it wasn't what the media made it out to be.

Not really, even my rag mates never mentioned this. It was only an issue for the fools at talkshite, SSN, Daily Mail ect....Perahps, you fall for the 'big 4' love-in... I mean how dare any team that is not in the top 4 bid for world class players - I know lets try and make them a laughing stock. Don't buy into it pal.
Robinho actaully did his slip of the tongue at a press conference for Brazil on International duty, not at a press conference unveiling him at City. There never was a press conference to unveil him at City.
Matt Diablo said:
Not embarrassing Bluenose coz..... "Coz we've got Robinho and you've got our stereo"

It is embarrasing... kind of embarrasing like your dating a total stunner, problem is your mate saw a video of her having sex with someone on the internet. Your proud of having such a good looking bird but you'll always be ribbed by yer mates for going out with her (even if she is way better then any of them could ever dream of getting).

And just for the record its a lovely stereo... thanks! :)
vincent said:
ToffeeAndy said:
TonyM said:
ToffeeAndy said:
... this was preceeded by Robinho stating he was happy to have signed for "chelsea" during his unvailing at a press conference for City (how embarrasing!).

Andy, I had some respect for you from your previous posts but it's in danger of disappearing with this comment. Do you really think that Robinho didn't know who he was signing for? If so you are just another media sheep. The lad was barracked by journalists thirsty for blood when he shocked the world and joined our "project" and IMO it was little surprise that he made a slip of the tongue (which he quickly corrected with his trademark giggles). He's happy at City and despite what people think he's intelligent enough to know that a club with money needs willing to buy their way to the top have to start somewhere.

If you want some respect (from me at least) and people not to simply ignore your posts try not to jump on the stereo type bandwagons. Thanks.

Sorry I might not have been totaly clear here. I wasn't suggesting he didn't know what club he was playing for, just that to the outside world at that moment it made a lot of people laugh. It gave the impression (rightly or wrongly) that his heart has been set on the move to Chelsea and he didnt really know what was going on.

Yeah the media may have made it out to be more then it was, but just at that moment everyone kind of cringed and laughed in that kind of way you do if someone falls over in the street and hurts themselves. It was embarrasing even if it wasn't what the media made it out to be.

Not really, even my rag mates never mentioned this. It was only an issue for the fools at talkshite, SSN, Daily Mail ect....Perahps, you fall for the 'big 4' love-in... I mean how dare any team that is not in the top 4 bid for world class players - I know lets try and make them a laughing stock. Don't buy into it pal.

I'm suprised they never mentioned it personally. I'm sure if you searched their forums there'd be hundreds of posts pissing themselves.

Maybe the point i'm trying to make isn't that clear, to a large proportion of people out there they will remember his unfortunate slip without ever looking deeply in to it. It hurt your reputation even if that is just because the papers told us what to think. Your probably not bothered though what the majority of the great unwashed think which is fair enough.

I'm all for one of the non top 4 buying world class players... in fact if we could have 10 teams who could all potentially win the league it would be a great thing for football. Its just unfortunate that at your big moment to show the world your ambition, Robinho made an unfortunate slip of the tongue that was broadcast the world over.
Tricky_Trev said:
Robinho actaully did his slip of the tongue at a press conference for Brazil on International duty, not at a press conference unveiling him at City. There never was a press conference to unveil him at City.

Ok my bad... i'll hold my hands up to being uneducated on the specifics.

City really never held a press confernece to unveil him? Thats crazy! Do you know why?
I was talking to an Everton fan yesterday and he reckons that there aren't any pictures of Lescott anywhere in their new kit.

I have no idea if this is true or not as I can't be arsed to check but if it is true it could well be that Lescott is on his way somewhere.
dave_blue12 said:
I was talking to an Everton fan yesterday and he reckons that there aren't any pictures of Lescott anywhere in their new kit.

I have no idea if this is true or not as I can't be arsed to check but if it is true it could well be that Lescott is on his way somewhere.

Not exactly photogenic is he mate!
dave_blue12 said:
I was talking to an Everton fan yesterday and he reckons that there aren't any pictures of Lescott anywhere in their new kit.

I have no idea if this is true or not as I can't be arsed to check but if it is true it could well be that Lescott is on his way somewhere.

Neville, Jagielka, Saha, Osman and Howard are the only players pictured in our new kit as far as I'm aware and I somehow doubt we are selling the rest of our squad.
Gwladiator said:
dave_blue12 said:
I was talking to an Everton fan yesterday and he reckons that there aren't any pictures of Lescott anywhere in their new kit.

I have no idea if this is true or not as I can't be arsed to check but if it is true it could well be that Lescott is on his way somewhere.

Neville, Jagielka, Saha, Osman and Howard are the only players pictured in our new kit as far as I'm aware and I somehow doubt we are selling the rest of our squad.

You lot can't keep off here can you... Has Stephen Hunt signed yet ?

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