Let's Not Go Sucking Each Others Richards Just Yet...

The Fat el Hombre said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
That's fair enough. I just thought he put out the right team to win the game tonight (which they did) and made the right substitutions to ensure no nasty late suprises (which there weren't) and I thought our players looked a little (not a lot) more in tune with each other tonight.

I'm not complaining about the subs just pointing out that the Kompany one was another negative sub on top of all the others,

Haha so at 2-0 up in a cup game with less than 20 mins left we should be pushing on?
Pigeonho said:
Fuck this, i'm going to bed. I've had enough of it all, its actually starting to affect me now, all this negativity. Shame on fat, obese wanker el hombre, and just so he knows the real meaning of a moan, I hope we get sold and treated like a piece of shit. It is embarrassing how any negative posts exist after tonight, but its clear that the unrealistic fans are being outed and are sinking to the bottom. Me and my mates, real fans of many years, would make mince meat out of any fat elhombre arguement you ever tried to make, and you would be forced to walk off with yout tail between your fucking legs. We just beat Arsenal 3-0, simple as that and we are in the semi's of a cup for the first time in ages. STOP findin negatives out of everything PLEASE.

He wasn't actually finding negatives it was more of a case of not being overly optimistic which is fair enough.

I'm fucking in heaven tonight, over the moon but I'm not sat here thinking the rest of the season is a formality, he gave credit to the players, rightly so, but noticed we still have some weaknesses.

Either way it's a better read than 'we'll beat the rags 7-0 in both legs then win the cup before winning the league and FA Cup the day we tie up the Messi/Kaka contract and announce a new 500000000000 seat stadium.

And I'd be the first to give Hombre a sly dig if I could and he knows it!
I'm still concerned by the fact that when the good times do arrive, this fat git will be tryin to suck and wank off fellow blues...
blumoonrises said:
I'm still concerned by the fact that when the good times do arrive, this fat git will be tryin to suck and wank off fellow blues...

Whilst you linger on that thought I've already sent a PM asking if I can be the first to be sucked off by him. I'm too good for sloppy seconds. Especially after some of the dirty twats on here.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Or something like thast as Mr Wolf once said

I sat in the 3rd tier tonight, as opposed to just a few rows up off the ground, so I could see things much clearer than usual. And I have to say that what I saw was not the most pleasing of things I've ever seen. The 4-4-2 formation is strangling us. We are not getting the best out of our players with this formation and we are relying on individual bits of excellence to try and score us goals and win us games. The constant long balls to Ade and lack of ideas is soul destroying considering the amount of talent we have on the pitch. We were up against a very weak Arsenal squad who, let's face it, anything less than a win would have been a disappointment. Now I don't wanna take anything away from the players because individually once again they all played very well, but as a team we are just not playing to the best of our abailities

We're all too keen to just hoof it up to Ade and try to pick up the pieces, and considering the team we've got and what we're capable of this just isn't good enough and we're gonna come up short against any team that is anywhere near the same standard as us. Grinding out results and huff and puff just doesn't do this team justice. The only way we were ever gonna score was through individual bits of skill as opposed to quality team football and luckily tonight we were playing a team so weak that Tevez, SWP and Bellamy could carve out goals all by themselves out of nothing. This won't be the case evry week and it's been like this for too long now, hence 7 draws some of which were against far inferior teams.

Bringing Vinnie on for Tevez (who was right to be subbed) and switching from 4-4-2 to 4-1-4-1 was an other negative move although this will be overlooked (possibly rightly so) considering the result and the fact we saw out the game, but negative tactics designed to contain the other team and not designed to get the best out of ours are becoming all to frequent.

Now I haven't got anything against Hughes and I want the guy to do well, the way he punched towards our fans when they were singing 'Hughesy Hughesy give us a wave' showed how much he wants to succeed at City, but I just can't see it happening with the way we're going and we are gonna have to have a much more intelligent set up against the rags and in future league games if we want to progress much further

Kudos to SWP, Tevez and Lescott in particular for superb individual performances.

Ecstatic to get to the semi's, but not looking forward to playing the rags

great post mate
if you add bellers to your good list
Whatever, anyway I used the title in a thread before and El Homo knows it. Just goes to show how narrow minded he is and i'm now thinking he attends no matches and likes to just be a tagger onner, following posts and articles just so he looks good. In my eyes he is no Man City fan.
Bringing Vince on and going 4-5-1 was exactly the right thing to do. We needed to tighten up the midfield and that is exactly what that did.
without a dream said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I'm not complaining about the subs just pointing out that the Kompany one was another negative sub on top of all the others,

Haha so at 2-0 up in a cup game with less than 20 mins left we should be pushing on?

Did I say that?

Pigeonho said:
Whatever, anyway I used the title in a thread before and El Homo knows it. Just goes to show how narrow minded he is and i'm now thinking he attends no matches and likes to just be a tagger onner, following posts and articles just so he looks good. In my eyes he is no Man City fan.

No loss though hey? At least you still have you and your mates, the real Manchester City fans as you so kindly put it.
The Fat el Hombre said:
without a dream said:
Haha so at 2-0 up in a cup game with less than 20 mins left we should be pushing on?

Did I say that?


You said it was negative and implied that that was a bad thing at that stage of the game, which it wasn't, unless I have completely misread your post in which case apologies.

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