A bailiff would only get involved if the matter had been dealt with by the court and the defendant had failed to pay. A bailiff however has no right of entry to your home in order to gain leverage if it is locked . He could attempt to seize a motor vehicle on the driveway that is not subject to finance if it belonged to the debtor, but in essence the debtor would not with any modicom of sense leave it there to be seized. If a bailiff enters through an open door he can list goods as leveredge. However.. he cannot take away any white goods. He cannot take away your carpets or your bed or anything used for essential living which doesnt leave him with an awful lot. He can take luxury items and tv's but the auction prices are hardly likely to pay off the debt and therefore they would rather seize a motor vehicle or items of high value. If a bailif has made peaceful entry to your home then he then has the right to break in on subsequent visits so if you are in this situation never ever allow a bailif to enter peaceable in the first place and you are 100% safe. Sorry for the rant but your rights are sacriment in law and everyone should be aware.