Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

One panorama/general dynamic is the following, i don't think it is even opinion, stats i dare say would back this up...

Our whole game revolves around our attack being our defence right? So when that attack fizzles out and stops working this leaves us wide open, our goal margin being our actual defence. Defending as Mourinho has his teams drilled is beyond us and it is no anomaly that they have Liverpools number. We can't fully switch to defence, the aim is get the ball back to attack again. Having genuine defensive discipline is not in our armoury yet. This i feel has cost us badly at critical moments this season.

Earlier in the season our possession carried serious goal threat against anyone, even the best. It has deserted us recently. So when we are so total in our game, any flaws kill the whole process. Think of Utd being modular and heavily secured on raid 1/5 with us a ramdisk running a very delicate script with low error tolerance in a country with a dodgy power supply. We are brutal when we work but any glitches and it is catastrophic to our game.
It's the need to win the ball back so quickly that makes it easy for a front 3 like Liverpool's to get out and running. The system fits Otamendi, but he doesn't seem to fit it when we don't have as much possession as usual. He's still way to eager to go to ground and leave the space behind him for an opposing attacker to fill in before the other defenders or Ederson can react.
It really isn't. In the big games they are decided by small margins, like 2 good goals disallowed and a penalty not given. Maybe even a goal for the opposition that should have been ruled out.
If you think FOUR decisions going against don't count I give up.
Yes spot on from our point of view, but do the opposition fans have any similar statistics to throw back at us?
Why was Bernie subbed? He will be immense for us if given a proper run out and more time in the center...Had enough of these bent refs and why was a Spanish Franco supporting twat appointed for our game - pep should of lumped him and gone out in style
They do bloody lie though one of them was offside for a start mate... what are you talking about... doesn't get more of a lie than that!

The scoreline also lies as we should have had a penalty and two goals ourselves. Poorly thought out argument pretending the refs decisions weren't a factor.
Let’s not go on about that one, without VAR the linesman has a though job of seeing that, his ear and a few hairs looked just about offside from the still camera shot
Would have been soft but Sterling was pulled down by Robertson

The pen was milner handballing it off a Bernardo shot and the ball bouncing back of Milners arm into Bernardos arm and Bernardo getting booked for intentional handball....and if you think that that's ridiculous...well it is... and it happened...and you can understand people's frustrations here when shit like this happens.
He can't because he can't take people on outside. Or at least he doesn't have the confidence to. He looks incredible coming inside. Next'll be different.
I've seen him take plenty on the outside and put in crosses
Well the guy behind the goalline isn't an official. He's won something on a Mcdonalds monopoly that lets him pretend he's an official for a night.

I said it on another thread - the correct process for the disallowed Sane goal should be.

Linesman - Offside
Referee to Official behind the goal - Who did the ball come off?
Official - Liverpool
Referee - That's not offside

What appeared to happen was

Linesman - Offside
Referee to official behind the goal - Are you having a good time?
Official - Yeah, this is awesome
Referee - freekick.

Bollocks, utter bollocks.

When you're jammed in a loop reading pages and pages of Blue Moon after a defeat, kudos and fair play to the wittier amongst us for lifting the spirits, this is gold and cheered me up Madloaf. I salute you.

Does anyone know the ref for Spurs? Man alive we need a break from the officials, the under-buffed paint on a goal post, hell, I'll take even a ricochet off a low flying seagull from the Whizzer & Chips comic at this point...
Never mind that I had dippers sat next to me and all around me wtf
Punch ups in the Tunnel Club seats. - 'Pool fans were in there. I suppose they had every right to be there - pay your money , take your choice.
Never thought the Tunnel Club was a good idea - as it meant proper City fans(season ticket holders) had to move - after being in the CB Stand since the move from Maine Road - 2003.
Can't be arsed with this whole hysteria of finding lame excuses for our poor spells.

"FA are against us"
"Uefa are against us"
"The English refs are against us",
"German ref that is mates with Klopp is against us'"
"Spanish ref that is anti-Catalunya is against us"

We lost cause we were not good enough. Let's get that PL trophy now.

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