Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

Why do people persistently relate shite officiating decisions with an excuse for defeat? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Forget the performance. The discussion is around a perfectly legitimate goal being chalked off and a penalty we were not given. Game changing decisions.

And all because of a Spanish wanker, who has history with Pep, letting a political point of view influence his game. Now that last bit is debatable, but the fucker should never have been officiating this football match.

There are elements of our performance which were poor, but that is a separate conversation.

Liverpool have had the decisions in this tie. Nobody will convince me otherwise.
Of course. Anybody who harps on about what a shite 6 days we've had, without taking into account the freakishly large number of big decisions that went against us (with none in our favour) just looks very silly.
Good first half performance but we lost the tie last week.

Another turd of a refereeing display.

Being frank, we've been exposed badly in this three-match sequence. Pep's had a bumming from his two biggest rivals (as well as the officials) and seriously irritated many of his own fans over the derby fiasco.

Still a great season as long as we don't let it fizzle out. Let's put this shite behind us and break some records.
Just got home and have to say I'm not as fed up as on Saturday. Didn't expect anything from tonight, and as Joe Royle, said its the expectation that kills you.
So well played City, a good campaign and some memorable performances. Can't win everything.
And I'll look back on a season of fantastic football and 2 trophies in the cabinet. Which the Liverpool and United fans who have been messaging and facebooking me, won't be able to say.
We love you City, we do!
People harping on about Mancini would have done this or that are forgetting the "lack of ideas, no plan B" was a weekly gripe for many it was far worse of a problem back then against the top teams... Pep changes things all the time, he's got loads of ideas if you don't see that you know nothing John Snow.

He does however play high risk attacking football that can leave us exposed and left to defend "large spaces" as Pep puts it, which sometimes means our hole half with 3 defenders against 3. If we score our chances early no team keeps pressing high at 3-0 down and we pass them to a standstill if they try because we don't need to score at that point, we are also better in the second half once a game is safe(2-0 is never safe as they say) as the oppositions legs are normally done in the last 30 mins.

No manager gets every call right, no system is perfect, not every player can be on form or 100% fit when you need them most... I still wouldn't swap our football for defensive Italian style or Mourinho style. It wasn't "our year" this year as them scousers say.
It's all ifs, buts and maybes now, but there have been 4 decisions (their first at at anfield, the penalty on raz, the goal that would've made it 3-1, and then tonights) that would've changed the tie. i get that we've had a lot of efforts but few on target, but anyone who isn't f*cking fuming at the officiating, or at the very least unwilling to accept it had an impact, is absolutely deluded.
So there you go picking 1 occasion, yet I get slated for it, Saturday we put our chances away we win the game at half time, we didn't so we go in 2 0 instead of 4 or 5, most managers at this point say keep the ball eat the minutes up, close the game out, play tactical, yes the ref should have given a penalty on sergio, but our niavety has to be questioned?

Take a break Pal and console yourself with a double winning side.
We had some bad luck but at the end of the day liverpool won the tie 5-1 and deservedly so over the two legs.

Again we didn’t test their shite keeper enough and Salah is having an incredible season.

Our defending (most prominently in Europe) is still a big concern and this team still carries some of that fragility that we’ve seen since Mancini left. 8 goals conceded in a week is really fucking bad.

Aguero is great but he’s not the player he was - we really do need a 40 goal a season superstar like the other top European sides all have. Harry Kane would be unbelievable under pep.

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